So another week of FTW begins, with none other then CB 2002 coming out with a chair.
He states he isn't going anywhere until Metal gets out there.
Well out comes Metal, and it turns into a match. With Metal beating CB 2002 without much of an effort.

New Testament vs. Steven Stallion, Francis Alexander Goldstein(F.A.G.), Toaster A very entertaining match.
With the many antics that Stallion and F.A.G. The match went back and forth.
The match too a hugh turn when F.A.G. removed his shirt and scared deacon.
But the New Testament gained control back. Deacon whipped Toaster into the corner and then whipped Stallion
into the corner into Toaster. Stallion fell well bottom up, and Toaster fell into
the bottom of Stallion. F.A.G. didn't take liking to that. Stallion and F.A.G.
destroyed Toaster, leading to the New Testament win.

Maverick vs. Executioner hardcore match-non-title
Executioner grabs a win to boost along his threat to become hardcore champion.
As he beat the co hardcore champion.
Daisy Sue came strolling out with the hardcore title,
and challenged none other then the Maniac. The Maniac wondering why she would do such a thing.
Daisy simply put it that she wants to prove that she is a true champion.
Maniac refused. Well out comes Zero, and says that if Manic isn't going to
fight then he will. The Mick and Enigma jumped Manic keeping him controled on
the outside, as zero went on and gave the Nullifer onto a chair to Daisy and won the hardcore title once again.
While showing the title off on the top rope,
the Maniac dropped the other Renagades. Then entered the ring and got
behind Zero just wating for him to get down. As Zero finally got down,
The Manic hit him wiht a spear and then 2 yes 2 jackhammers to win the title back.
But things were far from done, as the Maniac was leaving.
The Untouchables jump Manic, as Alex Fury smashes him to the head with a bat.
Then they come out to the ring and stare down the Renagades. A couple shoves to start things of,
but then the Bouncer and Zero shake hands and they all hug.
The Untouchables are now with the Renadagades making them even stronger.
Will there be more??

Simon Black vs. Jack Hydraulic(2002 T.O.K. winner)
Simon pulls off the upset victory. After taking the ground effects from the top,
Simon found himself and payed back Jack with a blackout from the top
in which he followed wiht a 450 for the win. During the middle of the match the Renagades ventured down to ring side and surrouned the ring.
Both men watcing the outside cautsiosly, continued to wrestle.
At the end the Renagades entered the ring, and Jack and Simon prepared to fight,
but Jack hit Simon and the Renagades started to stomp away on Simon.
Then the set up for the four corners of hell in which zero and bouncer held up Simon for a bouncing fury,
the Jack moonsaulted off and hit which was followed by and Enigma splash
and then a Mick moonsault. But they were not done.
Zero hit the nullifier and then the Bouncer did a sit down splash on Simon,
as they used him as the step leaving the ring.
But then comes down the Maniac and Metal to chase them away and help a battered Simon.
They exchange handshakes and hugs. What does this all mean?

Mick vs. Streak(C) T.V. title match
A great match cut short. The match was back and forth, until Mick attempted a dive through the top two ropes but clipped his feet
on the second as he smashed down to the outside face first. Barely able to stand Streak dragged him in and swantoned for a victory.
Then called out the Renagades to help mick. As that could go down as the first time streak showed heart.
Maybe there is a good side.

Enigma vs. Kaos(C) Stars n' Stripes title match, Lumber jack match
A action packed match in and outside the squared circle. Fights broke loose on
the outside numerous times. Kaos picked up the victory and kept his title.

Iron Man vs. Metal(C) Heavy Weight title match
Metal retained his title after another great FTW main event.
Metal hit his metal series leaving Iron Man dazed. He later connected with a big boot and sent Iron Man to the outside up the ropes and down to the mat.
Metal showed why he is the champion after he hit the metal driver and got the 1-2-3.
This concluded another great week of FTW action, and left alot of questions for next week come join us.

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