html> Ryan Chatam

Ryan Chatham

Wrestling Name:"The Reflection of Perfection" Ryan Chatham
Real Name: Mike Redding
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140 lbs
Hometown: Fairless Hills, PA
Theme Music: Death Lurks by Brucio
Trademark Moves: The 215, Flipping Clothesline
Finishing Move: The Phoenix Bomb
Titles Held: None

Bio: Ryan Chatham the self proclaimed "Reflection of Perfection" was brought into the FTW along with Beautiful Bobby Buxton, Van Bramah The Great White Hope and Spazz by veteran wrestler The Amazing Zero. Zero gave them the opportunity to prove their abilities and make a name for themselves. Chatham quickly broke away from his fellow rookie wrestlers and tried to quickly push himself into the spotlight. Chatham is still trying his best to prove himself in the FTW and not backing down from any challenge. The future looks bright for this rising star.
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