Wrestling Name: Steven Stallion
Name: Steven Stallion
Height: 5'8''
Weight: A Gentleman never tells
Hometown: New Hope, PA
Theme Music: "It's Raining Men"
Trademark moves: Pride March (Many kicks to groin), Humping Chokehold, Attack with Mr Happy (His athletic Supporter)
Finisher: Stallion Spectacular (3 Handle Credenza)
Titles Held: Tag Title (with Bruce Powers, as the POWERSTALLIONS)
Quote: "Take it like a MAN"

Never before has such gayness befouled a wrestling ring. Steven says it's just speculation,
but his homosexual tendencies tend to get the best of him at times. With his girly voice, to his prancing walk,to his humping of anything male,
Steven is anything but straight. Don't let his flamboyant nature fool you though, he's all man, he can assure you of that.
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