Churches Together in Fulwood and Broughton
Umlazi Project
Umlazi Township is situated south of Durban on the east coast of the Kwazulu-Natal region of South Africa.

It is said to have got its name when the famous Zulu chief, Shaka, was passing and stopped for a drink from the river.  He declared that the water tasted like bad milk, or "Umlaza", the Zulu word for the thick layer that settles on top of milk.  The name evolved over time into its current form.

There is a very high incidence of HIV and AIDS in Umlazi.  According to
Wikipedia, around 21% of the women visiting clinics there have HIV.  Our project aims to provide a football pitch alongside a clinic that will give HIV and AIDS advice to those attracted by the sport.
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Gala Day of Football Fun
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