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Registration Form
To download the registration form for Fun and Skills Soccer, please click here


Fun and Skills Soccer was established in 2005 as a full year program to provide a great range of coaching services, advice, fun (of course), simplicity, and an understanding of the way to learn in a fun way. Prices can not be compromised and are made affordable for everyone.

What does Fun and Skills Soccer Provide?

  • An all year round soccer program
  • After school soccer programs and Sunday Morning
  • Visit pre, primary, high and college schools at schools hours
  • Special small private group programs
  • Public Holiday soccer clinics
  • Coaching the coaches from all levels, and visiting the coache's teams who need expert advice.
  • School holiday programs

What have parents and kids said about the program?

Many players and parents have enjoyed the Fun & Skills Soccer clinic, here are some famous quotes:

"Having been to several of these, this is the best one!" Parent (whom his children have been to several soccer clinics) of Meg Hobson (5)

"My children has played for 3 seasons and they have learned more in this soccer clinic!" Parents of Frank (11) and Joshua (7) Divito.

"I have improved so much in one week and it was so much fun!" Aisha Ozolins: 10 years.

"Good practice dribbling and the skills drills were excellent! Thank you!" Parent of Tom Whitting (9)

"Being able to practice on both feet, and he loved the World Cup and the great awards! Also, it was a healthy and enjoyable soccer holiday activity." Parent of Alex Kimmorley(8)

"Jenna hasn't played soccer before so I found it an excellent exposure to soccer and relevant. I thought it was fabulous!" Parent of Jenna Gray (10)

"A great soccer program which provided my children taught to their level. They had lots of fun and it was fantastic and perfect!" Leah Zeitlhofer of the 3 boys, Thomas (5), William (8), and Matthew (10).

"He is passionate about soccer and this clinic satisfies that passion and provides him with improved skills and he loved it!" Father of Andrew Slavich (7).

"Learning how to pass and ball placement which made him a more effective soccer player and he loves the soccer programme. Great Work!" Parent of Andrew Ciszek (8)

"Thought the week was excellent. He was eager to attend which indicates it was a worthwhile week!" Parent of James Goddard (8).

"He loved the shooting and the soccer games!" Parent of David Brittion (11)

Printed and obtained with the permission of parents and players

Nikolas Schlie is the Founder and Coaching Director of the Fun & Skills Soccer School.

Nikolas started coaching at the tender age of 14 and he is 27 today, he is nearly finishing his University degree doing Bachelor of Applied Science in Sports Coaching at the University of Canberra. He is well known in the Soccer Canberra community as a player formerly in the Premier League. He has been a State coach, coached many local clubs and conducted several school holidays programs at the AIS and all over Canberra, and refereeing in all sorts of levels. He was the State coach for ACT in 2001 to 2003, and has a State coaching Licence.

The main objective of the Fun & Skills Soccer Coaching School is to improve the skill level of all participating children through a series of development programs. These programs can be conducted over a school holiday break or on a more regular after school basis.

The Fun & Skills Soccer program will instill good team ethics and sporting attitude with fun and enjoyment also an integral part of the program. At the end of each development program the children will receive a certificate of participation and a home training program.

Having played and coached for many years soccer at a high level Nikolas felt it necessary to set up a coaching school to pass on his knowledge and passion for the game.

He currently holds the following coaching certificates: -

  • Soccer Australia Level 1
  • Soccer Australia Level 2
  • Soccer Australia State Licence
  • Goalkeeper Coaching Certificate
  • Coerver Coaching Certificate of Accreditation

If you have any questions or suggestions about Fun and Skills Soccer, we would love to know about them.
You can Email us at [email protected] or contact us on:

Ph: 62911938 Mobile: 0438620508
P O Box 145
Calwell, ACT 2905

We look forward to hearing from you!
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