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Registration Form
To download the registration form for Fun and Skills Soccer, please click here

Frequently Asked Questions

How many children to each coach?

This can vary but we work on around 1:12 Sometimes even less to 1:8 or 1:10.

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Are they grouped in ages?

Age is the main defining factor in allocating players to groups. Generally players of the same age have similar skills, However we do look to push the more skilled players to groups that are more appropriate to their skill level. If they wish to be grouped with an older sibling or friend this is possible, just state who the child wants to be grouped with in the groupings section" on the registration form and we will do our best to accommodate the child. It is quite possible that once the child has familiarised him/her self with the camp they may be happy to be moved in with their own age group

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What happens if it rains?

In the event of heavy rain we will cancel the session but however always call first before assuming that it has been cancelled. If it cancelled you will received a credit.

The camps will run regardless of adverse weather conditions

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Is my 4-year old too young to attend?

This depends on the child and if you the parent or guardian thinks they are capable of it. Many parents who are unsure on this question start the child off a first session to see how they go.

If they feel happy that the child is coping they increase the days/half days to suit the child's needs.

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Do I have to buy a soccer ball?

If your feel your child will not use a soccer ball after the camp there is no point in buying one, there are spare balls to borrow at all the camps.

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Does my child need shin pads?

Shin pads are very important and can be purchased at most sports shops, Target, Big W etc. However if the child arrives at camp without them they play at their own risk of injury.

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What does Fun & Skills Soccer offer above rival camps?

The camp offers a quality range of activities from the basic skill to group and team play with tactics. The pricing is very competitive and we are very mindful that the attenuates are children, thus a sign in/sign out policy is in place, a strict sun safety policy exists and the safety talk to all children orientate them with the layout of the facility and to make them aware of any potential problems that may exist.

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If my child attends only one day, do they get a certificate?

Certificates / awards / evaluations are only given out on the last day of the Camp, it would be impossible to give certificates / evaluations before then.

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I am worried about bullying, how attentive are the coaches to this?

In this modern age of bullying the coaches are well aware of this problem. Most coaches are fully trained and have all passed the working with children check.

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How can you assure me that he will be safe and well supervised and where does my child go to on arrival?

Security is paramount at our camps. On arrival at camp each child has been allocated to a group colour which is indicated by that groups colour sign on sheet, the parent/guardian signs the child in and adds any special instructions in that column ie if someone else is picking the child up. Once signed in his/her coloured hat, flag will locate the coach, which is the same as the sign in sheet.

The child must also be signed out on departure. Each morning a safety talk is given.

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My child has never played soccer/sport before, will he/she feel inadequate with kids who are experienced players.

Beginners: (First timers or need to work on basic: Pee Wees, Roo Ball, Div 2 and 3 players.

Intermediate (Basic skills and more technical for Div 2 and 3 players & Rooball.

Advance: Div 1 players and Rooball: High skills level and tactical.

Pee wees is for 4 yrs to 5 yrs
Roo Ball is for 6 yrs to 10 yrs
Junior is for 11 yrs to 18 yrs
We will place into the correct age groups and according to there skills level they can play upper age group. Over the years we have had children of all levels of ability attend camps many children who have never done sport/soccer now return time after time with enjoyment and confidence growing at each camp. The coaches are trained to bring the best out in children of all abilities.

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Some of my child's friends are coming, can he/she be grouped with them.

Yes, just add the names of the child/ children to be grouped with in the section on the registration form. If for some reason they are not grouped with their friend on the sign on sheet check with the coach who will group them together.

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My daughter would like to come to a camp but is worried she may be the only girl.

Up to a couple of years since girls attending camps were few and far between however this has changed. Since the film 'Bend it Like Becham' attendance by girls has certainly increased. You could also check on the number of girls and ages attending a particular camp by ringing the office a few days prior to the camp commencement.

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If you have any questions or suggestions about Fun and Skills Soccer, we would love to know about them.
You can Email us at [email protected] or contact us on:

Ph: 62911938 MObile: 0438620508
P O Box 145
Calwell, ACT 2905

We look forward to hearing from you!
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