Lomax Lumber Modules
Lomax Lumber Modules
This pair of HO scale modules is the second set made, starting in 1995.    The first modules were 2 feet wide, this pair is 2-1/2 feet wide, with the additional 6 inches placed in front of the main line tracks.   This has allowed more structures and scenic effects to be included.

I've used alliteration in naming many of the industries on my modules, and picked Lomax Lumber for this reason and also because I have a model railroading friend named Lomax.

SCROLL right to view entire 8 feet of the modules.

CLICK on the name of the feature listed to view more photos and details.
Lancaster Lumber Yard
Track through swamp
Abandoned Cabin
Bustard Box Co.
Logging Equipment Repair Area
Engine House
Tie & Plank Mill
Exploded Sawmill
Bare Hunter
Machine Shop
Fish Dealer
   NOTE: This image of both sections of the modules was made from two separate photos, somewhat distorting the center portion.  There aren't quite as many trees in the center of  module.
Traffic Accident
Digital Photography (c) 2004 by
TRANSPORTING MODULES - See how this pair of modules is packed for transport or storage HERE.
To see the first pair of modules click HERE
October 1995 Issue
Click on photo to see the Photographer in person!
For some NEW night time shots on the module, click HERE.
Crossing Shack
Updated 23 July 2004
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