Harvest Moon 64
My House
Screenshots And Boxart
Shopping Bin
Harvest Moon: BTN
Confession Box
Cool Stuff
Gameshark Codes
Helpful Hints
Lifestyles Of A Farmer
Harvest Moon: STH
STH Animals
The Town
Other Harvest Moon Stuff
Banners We Recieved
Farmer Stats
Layout designed by Harvest Moon Space.


Honey- If you plant flowers in your field from spring-fall, the day after they bloom you will see a little scene where the bee flies over to the apple tree, you can now pick honey up every day for $50.

Get more money for your honey- If you give some honey to Louis who lives with the carpenter, then the next day or the day after, you will see a little scene, and now you can get $60 for your honey.

Easy presents- You can always give Popuri a present because she likes weeds. They are not her favorite present but she does not hate them so they are a very cheap present, and very easy to get.

Useful Garbage- If you ever find any garbage while you are fishing, you can either give it to May, or you can cook it and give it to Karen. Karen will like the cooked garbage because she will think that you are as bad at cooking as she is.

Flower of Happiness- In the winter, if you talk to Ellen, she will say something about a happiness flower, and how about she wants to see it one more time before she dies. Then, on a winter night, after 10 P.M., go to the summit of Mother's Hill, and you will see it, then you will automatically go to sleep.

DO NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AS ME!! I was waiting for the New Year's Eve party to start, I went up to the summit of the mountain at 10 P.M., and I saw the flower, went to sleep, and missed the party! If you want to see it, make sure to see it BEFORE the new year's eve party!!

Have a song about YOU!!!- On Wednesday, the 16th, in the third year, the song hour will be on, if you watch it, they will say that there is a band there today named, ___ (the person's name of one of your other files) and the song will be, About _____ (your name), or something like that. They will then list, the amount of fodder, chicken feed, wood, and fish food, that you have. It's really weird! And then at the end, they say, well now we know a little more about ____ (again, your name here).

Aja!!!- Okay, you all probably know that Aja, Manna and Duke's daughter, left. But when the sports show comes on, I found that when they were talking about the races, they mentioned Aja!!

Well, thats all the secrets I have so far, but, if you have any more, feel free to E-Mail Me them and I will credit you!
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