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Vice Prez Michael Flannery

Joined GWF 2K1:
10th July 2001

Vice President Michael Flannery

Home Town
New York City, NY

6 Feet 4 Inches

230 lbs

Finishing Move
Ranger Bomb (Powerbomb)

Trademark Move
Wings of Thor (Crossface Chickenwing with Sleeper)

Wrestling Style

'You didn't See it Coming'
'Learn to Like it!, Learn to Love it but most of all learn to live with it!'


Life Story
Flannery was born on the 28th of September 1971, he was raised in England, Liverpool England. He learnt to fight as you do in Liverpool. He was then moved to Norway as his father was in the army. In Norway he was somewhat of a tearaway but he learnt Norwegian history and was amazed by evil God of thunder Thor. The a move to Canade where he spent his teenage years and got involved in pro wrestling. But his dad retired from the army to become a mountie. He liked his dads new job and thought about following in his footsteps. But he got hooked on the wrestling business thus becoming one!
Flannery then joined the XWA, as Thor. He used the poor God gimmick to win the Television title. But that soon shut down. He moved to CWA where he met and trained with Powerstone the two became good friends winning the tag team titles. Thor met Powerstone at CWA Grenade for Powerstone's world title this match was a brutal affair which Powerstone won, but was a great match. Then he moved to an unsuccessful time in PCW, before changing gimmick to Ranger Dog and moving to the independet circut winning 5 world heavyweight titles.

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