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Sean Studd

Joined GWF 2K1:
28th July 2001

'Superstar' Sean Studd

Home Town
Hollywood, Ca

6 Feet 4 Inches


Finishing Move
'S' Effect (Hammerlock DDT)

Trademark Move
Superstar Stuuner (Top Rop Hurricanrana through a table)

Wrestling Style
High Flyer

'I'm your worst nightmare, but your wife's biggest fantasy'
'This star burns forever'
'When you're in the hospital screaming in pain, your wife on her back will be screaming my name.'


Life Story
Sean Studd was not Sean Studd in the beginning... Sean, was best known as Awesome Adam... Awesome Adam was born in Hollywood, California... In an area with kids who are too prepy, cocky, and arrogant.. But, Adam became the City Jock... Winning Tournaments for his schools Wrestling team year after year... Scoring Touchdowns and talleying up Tackles in every Football game... And smashing records from lighting fast races in Track & Field... Adam was an All-American Star... But Soon, one day, his friend Dan, asked him to join his federation, the HWF... Adam hadn't known much about this style of wrestling physically, but he always watched it on Television... BUt the first day he recruited, that day changed it all... Adam became an Undefeated World Champion whenever he was wrestling.. HE later was offered in the RZWF, and became numerous Light-Heavyweight Champions... Awesome Adam became somewhat of a Front Ofice Executive whenever he joined the HIW.. HE became the COmmissioner of the HIW... That federation lasted for more than 2 straight years... But the day came when Awesome Adam joined the SHW... The SHW was the most difficult organization he'd ever join.. He started off at 0-4... But soon, he won the Hardcore and Brutality Titles nearly in two weeks... From then, he followed a man that was in the SHW, Coolguy to eHw... In EHW, Awesome Adam became Undefeated with the European Title until the title was retired... Adam stayed with the EHW for his entire career then... Awesome Adam was the only man in EHW to hold The World, TV, and Deathmatch Titles at once.. And at the Infamous EHW PPV, Deathmatch season, Awesome Adam featured in the Main Event for the US Title against Adam Wars, laer to be in the highly known IWO federation.. Awesome Adam won the US and became the only man to hold the Grand Slam trophy, and Triple Crown "King's Crown". Adam, defeated the EHW President Josh Foxx for control of EHW, and he took EHW to a new level of Xtreme... With a new look, new attitude, it all came w! ith new problems.. Adam retired when he won the Grand Slam and won the Federation.. Adam recrutied the New Japan Pro Wrestling Grand Slam Champion, J-Crown Champion, and Triple Crown Champion, The Japanese Buzzsaw... TJB became a triple Crown Winner in EHW within just three weeks tops... TJB was managed by Adam.. But soon, the fed had failed and fallen... Adam was un-employed and he joined the IML, the Minor League of the IWO.. He became a big name there when he won the IML US title... He was the last IML US CHamp when it closed down... Also, after then, ADam went on his Own World Tour when he joined federations all over the world such as Scotland, Australia, England, Africa, Asia, Japan, Canada, Mexico, and Germany... He accomplished over 32 titles... And when nothing could go better for the babyface Awesome-One.. WXO Owner asked Adam to join his rising federation... But not as Awesome Adam, he said it was too bias! He wanted him in as the cocky Sean Studd.. When Adam made his first appearance debut, the crowd was in awe at first, but became shocked and appauled... Sean Studd became the last WXO IC Champ when beating WXO Commissioner, Chain Link Duggan... Now, Adam bought the HWF federation, and is working fine in multiple Federations... .

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