Antoine and the All Neopian Rejects


The Reject’s Guide to the Galaxy


Ask Ze Nuvakat


Author’s commentary


Song lyrics


Staff credits

A Note from the Nuis:

In addition to traversing the galaxy in wholehearted pursuit of finding a place to perform at that won’t throw us out, we are roving researches for that wholly remarkable book, The Reject’s Guide to the Galaxy. What follows are selected entries from said book that relate to us and our adventures on Mobius. This book is still under construction, since we’ve been going through a lot recently (with some of our family captured and all), but we will attempt to update it at least once or twice a month. DON’T PANIC.





By Moonshine

Acaras are an aquatic felinoid Neopet species native to the planet Neopia, most commonly found on Mystery Island and in the surrounding ocean, although they are quite common anywhere. As with most species of Neopet, they can be found in a variety of colors, the most common being red, yellow, blue and green; with blue being the most common. Acaras have furless webbed paws with (like most felines) retractable claws, soft fur on their underbellies, and, strangely enough, are tailless. (The exceptions are the Robot Acara and the Tyrannian Acara, which will be discussed shortly.) Their most notable features, however, are on their heads, which feature completely blue eyes (pupil and all) with whites that turn orange when they are angry, tiny round noses, a mouth, two ears split down the middle by a sophisticated natural mechanism that allows them to close underwater, and two “horns” or “head-tails” that allow them to hear well underwater. In addition, Acaras can breathe both in air and underwater, although just how remains a mystery.

Notable variations of the Acara include the Darigan Acara, which has non-retractable claws, tougher skin, fangs, and short, sharp horns in the place of head-tails; the Faerie Acara, which sports yellow fur and beautiful pink faerie wings; the Maraquan Acara, which somewhat resembles an octopus and has fin-like ears; the Robot Acara, which has a radio antenna for a tail and a cannon hidden in its chest; and the Tyrannian Acara, which has a mottled brown pattern, a brown Wocky-like mane, non-retractable claws, a tail, more horn-like head-tails, and a small horn on its nose.

Acaras are naturally friendly, and they get along well with most species, including the generally reclusive Peophin (another water-dweller). They are also very curious about the unknown, and Acara explorers were involved in the discovery of Maraqua, the Lost Desert, Altador, and the planet Mobius (although they had already been “discovered” by their inhabitants).

Culturally, Acaras enjoy diving for treasure of the coast of Mystery Island and playing Gormball, a hot-potato game involving an exploding sphere of water.

Famous Acaras include Professor Chesterpot, the discoverer of Maraqua; Princess Fernypoo, the most spoiled pet in Neopia and co-discoverer of the Lost Desert; Roberta of Brightvale, sorceress, niece of King Hagan, and co-rescuer of Altador; and Lewanut Nui (Jr.), captain of the Electric Mayhem, leader of the All Neopian Rejects, and discoverer of Mobius.


Air Mote

Small, non-sentient gaseous life form resembling a small cloud with a smiling face. Although they are benign in nature, they can unleash a powerful air attack when provoked, and they (like other motes) are often used in the Battledome as offensive weapons. We used some of these motes to provide air for our journey through space. Air motes sell for about 3,000 Neopoints on the Shop Wizard.


Ancient Walkers

Three figures of Mobian mythology, said to command godlike Chaos power. If they exist, I want to have a talking-to with them about them letting this mad dictator just take over the planet.



By Lewanut; information gathered from interviews with Antoine, Sally, and Sonic

Name: Antoine Pierre Depardieu

Age: 17

Species: Coyote

Birthplace: Delmont Province of Mercia



Born the only child of General Armand and Lady Madeline Depardieu, Antoine seemed destined for a privileged life. He was trained as a squire almost from the beginning, and everyone expected that he would someday follow in his father’s footsteps. But fate had other plans; sadly, Mercia was taken by the Overlanders in the Great War, Armand disappeared, and Madeline and her four-year-old son fled to Mobotropolis, where Antoine found himself lost in another culture and language -- the latter which he never fully mastered. He did however find a friend in the young Princess Sally, who rescued him from a bullying weasel one fateful day when she never should have been outside the palace gates anyway.

Antoine’s troubles had not ended with the loss of his father; two years later, Robotnik pulled his coup, roboticizing eighty-five percent of the population of Mobotropolis, including Antoine’s mother and very nearly Antoine himself. Fortunately, the orphaned coyote was rescued and taken to Knothole Village, where he spent five years relatively without incident. However, he never forgot his father or his brief training as a young squire, and when Princess Sally started the Knothole Freedom Fighters, he was one of the first volunteers. Sally still isn’t sure whether allowing him in was really a good idea.


Antoine is loyal to the cause and never turns his back on a fellow Freedom Fighter in trouble, but is also outrageously clumsy, the most often captured of the group, and frequently alternating between being too brave for his own good and being an absolute coward. In addition, he enjoys bragging on and on about his many brave deeds, most of which have never even happened. He demands luxury but is willing to work for it, putting much of his time and effort into keeping his house immaculate and in preparing gourmet meals. In these regards, he is inflexible to the point of severe obsessive-compulsive disorder; once he nearly gave away Knothole’s location because Snively threatened to make escargot with margarine. (Poor snails.)


Having had his training interrupted before he was old enough to properly wield a sword, Antoine does not have much in the way of fighting skills. In addition to this and his natural clumsiness, he is one stop short of a world tour, as it were, and his lack of intelligence has often led him into trouble. He is however bilingual, although his command of the English language is rather shaky.


Antoine is desperately in love with Princess Sally, who has largely rebuffed his advances and is currently dating Sonic. Because of this (and the hedgehog’s continuous belittling), Antoine has never really gotten along with Sonic at all. Ironically, when Antoine’s attempts at heroism almost invariably fail, it is Sonic who comes to his rescue, an arrangement that irritates them both to no end. Antoine is on good terms with the other Knothole Freedom Fighters, although his friendship with Rotor has suffered from what I only know as “The Ro-Becca Incident”. Antoine most definitely does not want to talk about it.





Written by Chan from interviews with Bean

Name: Bean Dynamite

Age: 15

Species: Duck

Birthplace: Mobotropolis



Bean claims to be the child of Pinto and Lima Dynamite (yes, I know that’s cheesy, but those are the names he gave me, and I’m still not sure if he’s serious), and also claims that his great-great-grandmother, Strike the Hawk, was once leader of a group of thieves called the Babylon Rogues, which of course I’ve never heard of (being new to this planet and all). Anyway, his family escaped to a place called Lower Mobius after Robotnik’s takeover, where they lived in relative safety until Robotnik discovered it several days before the release of the Doomsday Project. Most of the population was captured and roboticized, presumably including Bean’s parents, although he hadn’t actually seen it done. Bean himself escaped with Bark and Nack, and the trio survived as scavengers for several days. After the destruction of Robotropolis, they came to the ruins to scavenge for scrap metal, and Snively discovered them. Rather than roboticize them, he offered them jobs, and soon dispatched Bean and Nack to investigate the attempted landing of our ship, the Electric Mayhem. I don’t know all the details, but apparently Bean fell off the roboticized dragon he was riding, and he was promptly captured and taken to Knothole.


Bean is talkative, annoying, energetic, perpetually upbeat, unpredictable, and seems to have an obsession with shiny objects. He is very friendly and outgoing, and seems to hold no grudge against his captors, even going so far as to flirt with his interrogator. Personally, I think he’s one stop short of a world tour himself. I’m surprised he can stay so cheerful after all that he’s been through.


We haven’t really had the chance to see any of these in action, but he says he’s very good at throwing bombs. Fortunately he hadn’t had any when we came in contact with him.


Bean says he has been best friends with Bark since kindergarten, and I’m surprised he’s so calm about the guy being stuck in Robotropolis with Snively. He also appears to have a crush on Lupe and thinks that he’s going to be great friends with her cousin Grayson, who’s making sure he doesn’t escape. That guy needs a bucket of ice water poured over his head. (Bean, not Grayson -- he is totally hot.)



An extremely powerful magical artifact found in the Beanbean Kingdom on a planet known only as Mario World. It can grant anything it possessor’s heart desires, but it only responds to the voice of a fair-hearted maiden. Tyson stole it and brought it to the Electric Mayhem, where our baby brother Neotiger sang “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” to it in a very off-key voice. It bored straight through the ship and took off for the Koopa Kingdom, which got us into huge trouble. (It didn’t help when this dude called Bowser, who rules the Koopa Kingdom, kidnapped Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom to try to get her to work the Beanstar. We later found out that he kidnaps Princess Peach every weekend.) After a long, epic journey across Mario World, we finally got the Beanstar back, but we were no longer welcome in any of the kingdoms on the planet, so once we got our ship fixed we left the planet. (Oh, yeah, and we got thrown out of the Yoshi Theater, too.)



Neopets images, species, and other stuff copyright 2000-2007 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission. Sonic the Hedgehog, Antoine Depardieu, and anything you recognize from the games or the old cartoon are copyright Sega. Used without permission. Lewanut Nui Jr. and his family belong to my brother, Lewanut Nui Sr. Definitely used with permission. All your base are belong to Dodger.

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