Antoine and the All Neopian Rejects


The Reject’s Guide to the Galaxy


Ask Ze Nuvakat


Author’s commentary


Song lyrics


Staff credits


In late December 2004 (or maybe early January 2005), the neighbor’s kid two doors down gave my brother a Game Boy Advance with Sonic Advance. I had heard about Sonic before (my earliest memory of him is rejecting some  Knuckles and Eggman stickers), and I had even watched my siblings play a fan-made Sonic game online, but I had never been personally introduced to the spiky blue rodent until then.


I was hooked.


I went on Wikipedia and read everything. I read about Sonic the Hedgehog (the character) and Sonic the Hedgehog (the Genesis game). I read about Miles “Tails” Prower and Knuckles the Echidna. I read about Sally Acorn and Bunnie Rabbot, and I even read a bit about Sonic making an obscene gesture at Robotnik in some anime. (Shame, shame.) But, strangely enough, one of the characters that stuck to me was Antoine, who did not really have much of a flattering Wikipedia article at that time. Maybe it was that he was Sonic’s rival, and I didn’t really like Sonic’s personality at that time. Maybe it was that I can never resist a hopeless cause. Maybe I like to root for the underdog. Or maybe I just thought that a coward trying to be a hero alongside super-powered furries was cute. I don’t know, that was years ago. All I know is that when the initial idea for doing a Sonic story came into my head, it was pretty much a given that the little coyote would be somehow involved in it.


And of course I had to do a Sonic story. It just came naturally. I was obsessed with Mobius -- I thought about it during schoolwork, during meals, and during church -- the latter of which led me to wonder if being a Sonic Boomer was really such a good thing for me.


So I prayed, “Lord, please take away my Sonic obsession, because I think it’s interfering with my walk with You.”


He didn’t.


So I prayed it again.


He still didn’t.


Finally I prayed, “Lord, if you won’t take away my Sonic obsession, please make something out of it.”


As Antoine would say, voila.


Antoine and the All Neopian Rejects was born.

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Neopets images, species, and other stuff copyright 2000-2007 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission. Sonic the Hedgehog, Antoine Depardieu, and anything you recognize from the games or the old cartoon are copyright Sega. Used without permission. Lewanut Nui Jr. and his family belong to my brother, Lewanut Nui Sr. Definitely used with permission. All your base are belong to Dodger.

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