Great Gaming Midis (17-07-2003)

Here is some more great music.....

1.Water Theme (MP3 2mb)

=> An unbelievable instrumental track filled with Celtic instruments and melody. A must listen for everyone. From Heroes of might and magic IV. Also go here for the heroes music subsection of this site.

2.Relm Theme

=> From Final Fantasy VI a good melodic song.

3.World Revolution

=> An example of creating tension in the song and releasing it with a rush of music. Yasunori Mitsuda again.

4.Cyan's Theme      

=>Another good song with flutes and strings. Signifies the passion of the tragic knight. FF6.

5.Silence before the storm

=> A gentle tune. Almost loses its way after the start but manages to sound good with a good melodic part in the middle.

Nobou Uematsu is the composer who is synonymous with Squaresoft and Final fantasy. Born in 1959 in Kouchi city in Japan he is probably the most popular game music composer of all time largely due to his phenomenal music in the Final fantasy series. His music tends to be brilliantly constructed rather than emotionally heavy. By his own admittance he wants to be known as a craftsman rather than a musician. But all his tunes grow on you with time and he has produced some real gems too.

6.Cathedral theme (mp3 1.5 mb)

=>From Chrono trigger. Nature and music in a perfect symphony.

7.Mining Melancholy         MP3 Version      

=>From Donkey Kong country 2. An absolute gem.

8.Shadow's end forest and Death Sea Tower of ruin

=>From Chronocross.Two examples of creating an atmosphere. Note the difference.


=>From DK2. Fast and furious.

10.Angel         Slower Version

=> From Secret of mana. Starts with a beautiful melody which merges into a fast brilliant tune.

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