Construction Process
The body is made up of three foam parts glued to a rigid central chest made out of cardboard and papier mach�.
The head and hands were made by gluing toghether pieces of foam rubber taken from the packing of a computer , and then sculpting the shape with scissors.
The use of foam rubber was decided because the material has a spring that makes it very lifelike, and it works as a muscle in getting back to the original position. It was inspired by the monkey puppet Tom Savini (a personal hero of mine) designed for the movie Monkey Shines.
The eye is a christmas sphere lined on the inside with aluminum foil. This creates a light trap, and in the middle are two green cut cristal heart pendants, wich act as lenses. the whole assembly is fixed to the bottom of the eye as the top part of the sphere houses the eyelid.
In this photo you can also see the carving marks left by the scissors on the foam.
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