1999 Meeting Information

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1999 Meetings:

December 1999: there is no meeting of the GCPCUG Web SIG

Tuesday, Nov. 16

Agenda Graphic Production for the Web
Demonstration of Jasc's Paint Shop Pro, (including a review of the just released Paint Shop Pro 6) a gopular graphics production program, to show basic graphic concepts. Overview of graphic programs, and graphic plug-in software.

Plus regular monthly activities: Show and Tell of an interesting Web site and how it was produced; Question and answers time.

Tuesday, Oct. 19

Agenda Web Page basics: HTML code and using tables to build a Web site

Planning a Web site; brief summary of HTML and how to use tables to provide structure to hold graphic and interactive elements. PageMill 2.0 will be used as an example of a basic Web page editor. Plus regular monthly activities: Show and Tell of an interesting Web site and how it was produced; Show and Ask for your Web questions

Tuesday, Sept. 21

Agenda Overview of Web Authoring Software, Books, and other Resources

Introduction of the GCPCUG Web SIG Web page providing links to numerous resources on the Net. Organizational session to plan for the 1999/2000 Web SIG season. Plus regular monthly activities: Show and Tell of an interesting Web site and how it was produced; Show and Ask for your Web questions

Web SIG Leader: Lee Batdorff, 216-321-9152 [email protected]

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