Combinations of different types of vegetation will be important at all times of the year.  Some habitats will need to provide protection from cold and snow, others from sun and heat.  Throughout the year wildlife's needs vary but cover is always a necessity.  It will provide places to eat, sleep, nest, and escape from predators.

When planning your landscape try and include some evergreen trees and shrubs.  These will provide year-round cover and if you choose items like pines, junipers and cedars, they will also provide food.   Deciduous trees are important for nesting and can also provide food.  It is helpful if you place sources of food and water nearby.  Birds will be more likely to come to feeders if there is an escape from predators near by. 

Keep in mind that some birds feed and nest on the ground so it is important to provide different layers of cover.  Be sure to include smaller shrubs and grasses in your plans.  Diversity is important in the habitat.

You can build rock, log or brush piles.  These will supply cover and nesting sites for small mammals, reptiles and insects.  Leave dead trees standing; they can also provide shelter.

Roosting and nest boxes can be added to the habitat and they will offer a safe haven for birds and squirrles.

Good plants for cover and food (try and find those that are native to your area):

Fruit trees
Berry bushes

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