One of the most important things you can add to your habitat is a source of water.  We have two large birdbaths and several smaller baths placed throughout the yard.  You can easily make a simple and inexpensive bath by using a clay or plastic pot saucer.

It's just as important (if not more so) to have a water source in the winter.  The location of some of our baths made it impossible to add a heater; additionally, they often get completely buried in the snow.  We tried to keep the smaller saucers filled but in really cold, snowy weather they freeze very quickly.  We solved this problem by adding a
heated pet dish

Moving water will attract even more birds.  We have added a
birdbath dripper to the front yard.   The larger birds take advantage of this bath.  Until the plants get larger I think the smaller birds will not feel safe enough to use it.

Ponds are a super addition to the habitat.  We do not have one but I am still considering the possibility.  I am unsure of my skills in taking care of a pond so I will do some more research.  There are lots of great sites on the web that can provide information on building and maintaining ponds.
A simple clay pot saucer makes a great bird bath.  This one is on a baker's rack on the second floor deck.  I fill it every morning and by evening it's emptied - the squirrels use this one a lot.  Use a shallow saucer or place some rocks in the bottom so the smaller birds will have a place to perch.
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