Gentle Heart

Welcome to Gentle Heart

About The Webmistress

This fansite is dedicated to the love between Faramir, Captain of Gondor and Lady Eowyn of Rohan

"I wish to be loved by another. And I desire no man's pity"
-Lady Eowyn of Rohan

"Do not scorn pity that is the gift of a gentle heart, Eowyn!"
-Captain Faramir of Gondor

This is the page for the visiter to the site to learn about the webmistress, who would of course be me. Below is my own personal bio. Enjoy learning about me!

--About --Links--Affiliates--Awards--Random Silliness--

Name: Jade Rocket

Gender: Female

Birthday: December 11, 1986

Favorite LOTR Character: Faramir

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite LOTR Volume: The Two Towers

Favorite LOTR Movie: The Two Towers

Bio: The webmistress is a shy, quiet, but still incredibly weird high school junior. Her favorite thing to do is read, especially LOTR. Every year she, starting in January, reads the Hobbit first, then reads LOTR. One thing she hates is when people say that LOTR is a book trilogy. After reading a little of the note in the beginning, she found out that it is ONE novel spread out into THREE volumes and SIX books, two in each volume. Jade is very much obsessed with LOTR.

Because this website is new, it does not have much yet. Please check back soon. I also apologize for the ugly banner. I will make a new one soon.

Lord of the Rings and everything related to it belongs to it's respective owners. In no way to I claim to own it.

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