Character Bios-Gentle Heart

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Character Biographies

This fansite is dedicated to the love between Faramir, Captain of Gondor and Lady Eowyn of Rohan

"I wish to be loved by another. And I desire no man's pity"
-Lady Eowyn of Rohan

"Do not scorn pity that is the gift of a gentle heart, Eowyn!"
-Captain Faramir of Gondor

You have found your way to the page where I store my Character Bios! Below, you shall see and be able to read the biographies of the characters this site concerns; those of course being Faramir and Eowyn.

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Other Titles: Son of Denethor II, Captain Faramir, Steward of Gondor, Prince of Ithilien, Lord of Emyn Arnen
Good or Bad: Good
Parents: Denethor II and Finduilas
Siblings: Boromir
Date of Birth: 2983 of the Third Age
Wife: Eowyn of Rohan
Biography*: Faramir was a gentle, discerning man, a lover of lore and music and a reader of men's minds. Unlike his brother Boromir, he did not care for battle in it's own sake, but nonetheless he was a brave warrior, much loved by his soldiers. Because of his gentle nature and his love for Gandalf, he displeased his father. Before the War of the Ring, Faramir was Captain of the Rangers of Ithilien. During the War of the Ring Faramir led the retreat from Osgiliath to Minas Tirith before the Siege of Gondor. He fell under the Black Breath and was nearly creamated by Denethor in his madness. After being recude by Beregond and Gandalf, he was healed by Aragorn. While recovering, he met and fell in love with Eowyn, whom he married after the War of the Ring. WIth the return of the King to Gondor, Faramir was made Steward of Gondor, Prince of Ithilien, and Lord of Emun Arnen.


Other Titles: The White Lady of Rohan, Lady of Ithilien, Sheildmaiden of Rohan
Good or Bad: Good
Parents: Eomund and Theodwyn
Siblings: Eomer
Date of Birth: 2995 of the Third Age
Husband: Faramir of Gondor
Biography*: During the War of the Ring she met and fell in love with Aragorn; when he rode to the Paths of the Dead she despaired greatly, thinking him lost. Being of a martial spirit, in her desperation she disguised herself as a man and, calling herself Dernhelm, rode to Gondor with Elfhelm's eored. In the battle of the Pelennor Fields, with the aid of Merry she won great renown by slaying the Lord of the Nazgul and his steed. THe evil coming from contact with the Nazgul-lord, amplified by the years of waiting on Theoden in his dotage and by her hopless love for Aragorn, caused her to succumb to a severe case of the Black Breath. Aragorn released her from her illness with athelas, and while recovering she realized her true heart. Giving up her desire to be a free, independent sheild-maiden, she married Faramir and became Lady of Ithilien. Eowyn was very beautiful; she was tall, slim, and graceful, with golden hair. Faramir called her the White Lady of Rohan.

*Taken from "The Complete Guide to Middle-Earth" by Robert Foster

Lord of the Rings and everything related to it belongs to it's respective owners. In no way to I claim to own it.

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