BPD Links
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Diagnostic Criteria

BPD Central

BPD Sanctuary

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

ToddlerTime Mental Health

Mental Health.Net

Self Injury

Eclipses (A book about BPD)



Personal mental health websites I like
"It really is okay to talk about it"
The Healing Path

Being a borderline feels like eternal hell. Nothing less. Pain, anger, confusion, hurt, never knowing how I'm gonna feel from one minute to the next. Hurting because I hurt those who I love. Feeling misunderstood. Analyzing everything. Nothing gives me pleasure. Once in a great while I will get "too happy" and then anxious because of that. Then I self-medicate with alcohol. Then I physically hurt myself. Then I feel guilty because of that. Shame. Wanting to die but not being able to kill myself because I'd feel too much guilt for those I'd hurt, and then feeling angry about that so I cut myself or O.D. to make all the feelings go away. Stress!"

--A woman who has BPD


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