email me your BPD poems
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Who am I?
Where did I come from?
Where am I going?
Why am I here?

I feel like I just exist
On the outside looking in
Everyone is normal but me
What is normal?

The darness is so dark
Excitement is fleeting
I want to be happy
Then I catch myself
I remember I'm not allowed
The darkness comes again.

What is this pain I feel?
I want to escape from it
I live in hell on earth
I deserve it I guess

I can't love myself
I don't know how
I never learned
What is love?

The pain is so deep
I gave life
But I don't know how to live
I only know how to exist
Is this all there is?
It's all I've ever known.

By Terri


Borderline Dawn

A darkened day
within my mind.
Peace and joy
so hard to find.
They are within
my grasp I know.
But confusion
stops me so......
A stretched out arm
toward the sky
meets just beneath the peace
I reach high......
but joy will come
again I know.
A brighter day
the Dawn..... I cry

By Susan Owen


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