Seiken Densetsu Art

All of the characters depicted below, except where noted, are owned by Squaresoft. I'm not sure exactly who the character designers were, but I do know that the actual drawings on this specific page were by me, Glarryg.

If a character's origin is not specified, it means it's featured in more than one (or all) of the SD games. Abbreviations for the specific games are as follows:

For those of you who are interested, I also have photographic evidence in favor of the Mana Sword Trick from SoM, and some Seiken Densetsu Fan Fiction in the works. But, for now, enjoy the art (hopefully).

(Some newer web browsers may re-size the pictures to fit your window after you click on these links; keep that in mind)

  1. Tomato Man, casting what will surely be a devilish spell
  2. Sand Stinger, one of SoM's cooler-looking arthropods
  3. SD turtles are adept at using weapons, and occasionally sprout wheels; no kidding
  4. Seeing this guy is never a good thing; it usually means you're dead
  5. The eight Elementals of Mana, having a party, I would assume
  6. A mainstay of Square's Final Fantasy series, Moogles appear in the SD games, but look a little different
  7. A squat version of the fearsome Mantis Ant
  8. Popoie, in miniature form
  9. Do I already have a Rabite on this page? No matter; here's another in that case
  10. Yet another rendition of Shade
  11. A collage of the heroes of SoM
  12. Krissie and the Resistance: not a rock band, but a real live band of freedom fighters
  13. Julius, FFA's magic-wielding megalomaniac
  14. Wisp or Lumina: either way, you've got an Elemental of Light here
  15. Chess Knight, the SD Series' resident possessed board game piece
  16. Denden, LoM's floating, shell-bearing squid (hey, it's a video game; things don't have to make sense)
  17. Creepy Shadoles patrol the Underworld in LoM
  18. Li'l Cactus, LoM's journalistic sentient vegetation
  19. Duelle the Onion Warrior... seriously...
  20. LoM's His and Hers Unnamed Protagonists
  21. Aura, the Gold Elemental specific to LoM
  22. The Manager, friendly puzzle-man from LoM
  23. Louie, mysterious floating cloth-being
  24. Mark: it's a wonder this guy doesn't sell his store and roam the world fighting evil as "Beetle Man"
  25. Sandra, LoM's murderous jewel thief
  26. Rubens: he could have been another stylish crime-fighter if it wasn't for Sandra...
  27. SD Series robots are often called Golems, or Machine Golems, and usually look something like this
  28. Hawk, SD3's ninja hopeful
  29. SoM's Randi showing off the Thunder Saber spell
  30. Purim tackles a Ninja
  31. LoM's headstrong swordsman Escad
  32. Dwarven blacksmith Watts
  33. SD3's Amazon warrior Lise
  34. LoM's Flameshe
  35. Undine, the Elemental of Water
  36. Salamando, the Elemental of FIRE!
  37. Title picture from my SoM piece, Manmon
  38. SoM's Emperor Vandole
  39. Geshtar, Emperor Vandole's mechanically-skilled henchman
  40. Sheex, Vandole's shape-changing thug
  41. Fanha, possibly the sneakiest of Vandole's lieutenants
  42. Thanatos, last but not least of Vandole's entourage
  43. SD3's miniature wizard Carlie
  44. Sylphid, the Elemental of Wind
  45. Gnome, the Elemental of Earth
  46. Randi takes on one of Vandole's knights
  47. Angela, SD3's sorceress-in-training
  48. Popoie grapples with a Pebbler
  49. Title graphic from my LoM story, Micael
  50. Esmeralda, LoM's Emerald Jumi
  51. SoM's dimwitted Scorpion Army, led be their curvaceous boss
  52. Luna, the Moon Elemental
  53. Dryad, Elemental of Trees/Wood/Forest
  54. Kevin, troubled half-werewolf of SD3
  55. FFA's Amanda
  56. FFA's Hero and Lester in the epic battle with the villain Davias
  57. The SoM gang grapples with Thanatos
  58. FFA's Hero, redone
  59. FFA's Man, also redone
  60. Duran Redux
  61. Lise... ahh, Lise
  62. This may very well be the first piece of fan art for the new game Sword of Mana, a.k.a. Shinyaku Seiken Densetsu, which is a remake of SD1. Likewise, this is the nameless Hero and Heroine.

Remember, if you'd like a piece of my artwork, I'll probably allow it as long as you ask first. It's still copyrighted by me.

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