Glarryg Proves the Mana Sword Trick

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If you enjoy Squaresoft's Secret of Mana (a.k.a. Seiken Densetsu 2) game as much as I do, you've probably heard the rumors floating around the Internet of there being a way to find a Ninth Orb to power your Sword up and turn it into the legendary Mana Sword. And you're probably also aware that a good deal of Internet rumors can end up being false. Well, in May of 2001 your old buddy Glarryg decide to test this particular theory and try the trick out. To my surprise, it actually worked! And to prove that it does, I took photos.

This page has effectively become my shrine to one of the greatest video games RPGs ever made. I feel it is a noble cause (despite its impracticality in the big picture) to give testament to this often-overlooked secret. Please enjoy this page and be witness to my admiration for a true masterpiece of video game-dom. While you're here, feel free to check out my Seiken Densetsu Fan Art Page (there's also a Text Version that should be easier on the slower web browsers). I'm also working on some Seiken Densetsu Fan Fiction if you're interested. Both projects count as a sort of corollary to this shrine. Anyway, on with the proof!

Randi and Co. with the Mana Sword!

Here we see the group gathered in the Lofty Mountains in front of Shade's Palace. Lo and behold, the boy is equipped with none other than the Mana Sword, in all its glory!

Randi's Mana Sword-Induced Attack

Check it out. Even with Randi at Level 67, the Mana Sword puts his Attack rating off the chart!

Sites at which you can find instructions on how to attain the Ninth Orb for your Sword (in addition to lots more useful Secret of Mana info) include:

(The song you heard/are hearing is Glarryg's own jazzy remix of Secret of Mana's Pure Land Theme, originally written by Hiroki Kikuta.)
(Secret of Mana and all related terms are copyrighted by Squaresoft, and this page is not sponsored by that company.)

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