GlarryGuideTM: How to Speak Poor Japanese

(Or, How to Speak Japanese Poorly)

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(This tune is the "Hollow Point Polka," and even if it's not very Japanese we kind of like it.)

Here is a basic introduction to the Japanese language, straight from the people at GlarryGuideTM. It is by no means a comprehensive tutorial. When reading it, remember that a doubled vowel is merely a lengthened sound (e.g. "ee" is just a stressed "eh" sound, not like the "ee" in "feet"). Also, all "g's" are hard "g's," like in the name "Glarryg."1

1. Not shameless self-promotion. They're really pronounced like that.

Japanese Phrase English Translation
Ohayoo Gozaimasu. Hello/Good Morning
Ogenki desu ka. How are you?
Hai, genki desu. I'm fine.
Doomo arigatoo gozaimasu Thank you.
Doo itashimashite You're welcome.
Anata wa eego de hanasemasu ka. Can you speak English?
Eego de hanashite kudasai. Please speak in English
Ima, eego de hanase! Speak English now!
Sore wa watashi no sakana dewa arimasen. That is not my fish.
Toshokan ga rokukan onegaishimasu. I would like six libraries, please.
Ano kirin o tabete ikemasen. You shouldn't eat that giraffe.
Kono kasa no aji ga ii desu. This is a tasty umbrella.
Watashi no inu wa me ga mittsu arimasu. My dog has three eyes.
Anata wa kutsu o nugunakatta, shinakute wa ikemasen. If you do not remove your shoes, you must die.
Ano kuruma wa warui desu. That car is evil.
Mokuyoobi o kaemasen. Takasugimasu yo. You cannot buy Thursday. It is too expensive.
Konshu ni kore o nomimashita I drank that last week.

Hey, now you're ready for a trip to the Far East, right?

WARNING: This lesson should not, by any means, be applied to real life. Some of the above phrases, even where gramatically perfect, may get you punched in the nose if spoken to a native Japanese person. GlarryGuideTM assumes no responsibility for your getting whooped royally for your crude manners.

Don't forget: you can e-mail questions to me at

[email protected].

But send complaints and threats to

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