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(This little composition is called "Groovin' Away," and is the official theme of the Links Page.)

Here are some links to sites that I like. They were all pretty clean when I put them up here, but to be on the safe side, I take no responsibility for any rude, vulgar, offensive or likewise unsavory material that may be on them. And I take no responsibility for material on sites that you may go to from the sites listed below.

 A Rather Introspective Wasp, wouldn't you say?

People I Know

Rob's Web Page-- my older brother Robert's home on the Web. Learn about cool science-y stuff like four dimensional objects, play the enigma, and view authentic UFO photos!

Mr. Chimpy's Web Page-- my other brother; some in-depth philosophy and a casino highlight this "Chimporific" site.

Mark's Web Page-- another school chum. Be sure to check out his avante guarde poetry; it's pleasantly confusing.

People I Don't Really Know

(I should point out that these are merely people whom I've never met in person. I've talked to many of them via e-mail. They're quite friendly.)

Sheexy's Site-- Fledgling offshoot of the Seikens Network run by, well, Sheexy. Check it out for more Seiken Densetsu-related goodness.

The First Church of Pac-Man-- run by the Reverend Shoebox, it's a virtual shrine to the grand-daddy of video game characters. WARNING: Not A Religion! Do Not Worship!

Icy Brian's RPG Page-- one of the most comprehensive sites on some of the best video game RPG's ever, and some cool fan fiction. Also, check out Icy's webcomic, Into The Black.

The Fantasy Finale Arts Association-- Night and his pals host a variety of art and fan work, and run a wacky Forum as well.

It's Walky!-- David Willis' sci-fi comedy-drama, quickly one of my favorite webcomics.

RPG World-- Ian J's hilarious send-up of video game RPG's. Not to be missed!

Mika's Cafe-- John and Cat run a welcoming community for aspiring artists and other talents, and they themselves display their creative works. Good viewin'!

The Definitive Frink-- run by a guy named Aaron, it's an homage to one of the best characters from "The Simpsons."

Shannon's Voltron Page-- information on the series you won't find on the official site.

The Go-Go Gadget Page-- the webmaster's name is Nathan; it's a pretty cool (and very thorough) Inspector Gadget Page.

Planet Mario (formerly "GAMEWIZKID's Super Mario RPG Page")-- info, reviews, and various goodies from the Mario games.

Organic Metal-- British site by a fellow named Ben who's quite the artist. He also runs the Monthly Video Game Character Page.

Monthly Anime Gaijin-- Another web-based art contest, this one focusing on original material. Neat stuff.

RPG Galaxy-- up-and-coming collection of video game RPG info and art; go have a look-see.

Other Stuff

The Official "Weird Al" Yankovic Home Page-- The greatest humorist in music history, bar none.

Toledo's Polkamotion-- the greatest Toledo-based polka band, bar none.

They Might Be Giants-- call it avante-garde, call it new age, call it whatever you want; it's just a fun band to listen to. Bar none. unofficial TMBG site with lyrics, a message board, and such.

Brave Combo-- polka music with a rock 'n' roll attitude, or rock 'n' roll by a polka band? Actually, it's the former; kick-butt band from Texas. Check 'em out. NOW!

The Seikens-- web page network and message board covering the Seiken Densetsu video game series. Check out Mana Tree and Mana World.

Seiken you guessed it; another SD page.

Secret of Mana Knowledge Base-- Tended by Ultimo; has some professional-quality screenshots of the game and playing tips.

The Palace of Darkness-- Run by Shade; chock full of stuff on Secret of Mana and its predecessor, Final Fantasy Adventure (also has a Final Fantasy 2 page).

Mana Harbor-- Adrian Lane keeps up a very thorough information site here. if you have one, or know somebody who does, this is an essential page to visit. And it'll only eat up about fifteen minutes of your time.

Urban Legends Reference Pages-- ever wondered what the lyrics to "Louie, Louie" were? Here's your source. They've got other stuff, too.

Yahoo!-- one of the better search engines.

Google-- another fine search engine.

Yahoo! Geocities-- make your own web page like mine! (Well, not EXACTLY like mine; that would be plagiarism...)

HTMLPrimer-- this is where I learned the basics about HTML. A good beginning for the aspiring Web Site builder.

Keenspot-- Some of the Internet's greatest webcomics all in one place!

Keenspace-- Think you're good enough to make your own webcomic? Try it here.

So, You Want To Learn Japanese-- Expert advice from a guy who's been there.

VoiceChasers-- a great place to find voice credits from your favorite animated programs and movies.

Dave Barry-- his page from the Miami Herald's official site. The Funniest Man in America!

Too Much Coffee Man-- some pretty funny comic strips and stuff. check out David Letterman's site, and the Top Ten List Archive.

The Official Dangermouse Web Page-- remember this show from the '80s? Cool pictures and stuff.

The Official He-Man Web Page-- they don't get much more official than this!

WRQN's Web Site-- an Oldies station from Northwestern Ohio, where I grew up.

The Official Simpsons Web Page-- couldn't get away with leaving this one off. Maybe not as in-depth as some other sites, but at least it's Official.

Slimstyle Records-- some of the better ska and swing music around.

The Official Voltron Web Page-- need I say more? not only a good place to reasearch orangutans, but also proof that you can find almost anything on the Internet just by typing in "www.[YOUR-FAVORITE-WORD].com."

Kiss This a collection of the funniest misunderstood lyrics in American music.

Bush Or Chimp-- don't say they wouldn't be doing something similar if the other guy had won.

Light Bulb Jokes-- via; I had to put up a site that had these sooner or later.

The World RPS Society's Official Strategy Guide-- you won't be disappointed by this essential guide to one of life's most important skills.

The Brunching Shuttlecocks-- not the most kid-friendly entertainment around (most of it would simply go over their heads), but then again I realize that few kids ever come to this site in the first place, so who cares? introduced to me by my girlfriend, this is an... interesting site, which is what you'd want if you were bored, isn't it?

Not Really a Link-- told you.

If you want to link to my page, you can use the banner below. This site is "link-free," which apparently means that you don't have to ask if you want to make a link to it. However, please link only to the Title Page (i.e. "") unless I have given you written permission to do otherwise. Here is the banner; you're perfectly allowed copy it: Glarryg Pages Logo

If one of these links doesn't work, or if you want to tell me about a worthwhile web site, e-mail me at [email protected]

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