About The Glarryg Pages

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(This little composition is called "Fading Away," based on the "Groovin' Away" theme from the Links Page.)

The Glarryg Pages were conceived way back in 1998; by the time I actually got around to making them, they underwent some radical changes in planning. What was initially going to be a series of "Homage to _______" pages and some copyright infringement became a showcase of original material. Instead of rehashing other tired ideas, I found plenty of things to put up that you won't find anywhere else.

Anyway, as I mentioned before, the pages are hosted by Yahoo! Geocities and I got a lot of help learning HTML from the HTML Primer. Of course, content-wise, the rest was all made up by me (which is why you can't copy any of it and take credit for it-- I'm watching you).

Most of the images were scanned into Adobe Photoshop (Limited Edition), and the animation was done using Ulead GIF Animator Lite. The MIDI sequencing was done with Jazz++. The latter two programs were free, at least when I downloaded them.

It seems that viewing this site is best through Netscape Navigator; I think some of the cool effects won't work on that other one.

I hope you enjoy perusing the Glarryg Pages as much as I enjoyed making them.


For the purpose of copyright-type considerations, the name Glarryg is a direct reference to G. L. Gillen. This site is a one-man operation, and all original material is his property and exists in some tangible form (written, drawn, notated, or otherwise). Where noted, certain designs and material are not his, but it will be assumed (unless it is obvious) that everything else is of his design. Well, my design. I guess that was all quite third-person considering I wrote it.

Lyrics by Willie Nelson

Although the lyrics above are owned by Willie Nelson, the idea to have an anthropomorphic moon croon the song is all Glarryg.

Other Sites That Have Given Me Programming Help

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Counter People are wondering why there's a Counter on this Page.

Remember, you can e-mail me at

[email protected]


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