GlarryGuide™: How to Write An Interesting Story
Write Right! ...I, mean, Correctly.

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One of the fundamental tenets of good writing is keeping your work interesting to your audience. The best way to do that, according to the people at GlarryGuide™, is to use words and phrases that grab the readers' attention throughout the story. I'm not talking about "buzz words;" rather, I'm chronicling terms and phrases that, when placed effectively in your writing, will capture the interest of your readers. This week's word is:


How to culminate a year of GlarryGuide™ Writing Instruction? We hope this word doesn't cause too much of a tumult, but any uproar would still be readily appreciated (and, yes, we did have some left-over words that found their way into this example):

"Are you satisfied with this brouhaha? Have your shenanigans proplerly ingratiated themselves into this situation? Honestly; it's enough to ulcerate my tender system," he complained fatiguedly.

Here is the GlarryGuide™ Writing Archive.

Have an interesting word you'd like to see more in print? Send it to

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Let me know if you want me to credit you with your suggestion.

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