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original name:: momo adachi
name:: 'momo' means 'peach' in Japanese
age:: 16
blood type:: O
birthday:: April 22
likes:: toji, swimming
dislikes:: sae, tanning easily, and rumours
strengths:: intelligent, goal setting, swimming
family:: mom and dad [as far as we know]
grade:: 11:: junior

Poor Momo, i gotta say she is pretty strong to tolerate the life she's living. Having liked Toji since junior high, she is desparate to get pale skin because a friend told toji would only go out with someone with paler skin than her. Momo even quit the swim team for Toji, and she is a fantastic swimmer.
What will become of Momo? NO really what will? Cause i only know the story in detail to a certain amount!
original name:: kairi okayasu
n/a name:: kiley okayasu
name:: Tokyopop also changed his name, to 'kiley', and is actually his family name
age:: 17
blood type:: A
birthday :: ?
likes:: momo
dislikes:: sae, swimming, toji, riyou
strengths:: helpful, joker, trustworthy, being cute
family :: older brother and sister
grade :: 12:: senior

Kiley is the comic relief really, it's hard to imagine him being very serious. Kiley likes Momo, but knows that she likes Toji and most of the time respects that. And you can't but admire the way he sees straight through Sae.
Kiley is the most popular guy in school and actually even has little groupies that worship the ground he treads upon.
original name:: tojigamori kazuya
name:: because his name is so long most people just call him 'toji'
age:: 16
blood type:: AB
birthday :: ?
likes:: sports and momo
dislikes:: kiley
strengths:: dependable, open
weakness:: completely and utterly ignorant! Especially to Momo�s advice!
family :: mom [as far as we know]
grade :: 11:: junior

Toji really pisses me of sometimes! Ignorant to Momo's advice to stay away from Sae (ha ha that rhymes), he becomes good friends with her and stands upfor Sae when Momo is bad mouthing her. Toji being friends with Sae is what makes everything go wrong for Momo (ok so im kinda blamin this all on Toji but you know!). Toji doesn't like Momo being with Kiley because he thinks Momo looks happier with Kiley.
original name:: sae sasaki
n/a name:: sae kashiwagi
name:: 'sasaki' is her most commonly used last name from the original Japanese manga. Tokyopop changed her last to 'kashiwagi', for some unknown reason.
age:: 16
blood type:: B
birthday:: ?
likes:: ruining momo's life
dislikes:: not getting her way
strengths:: being a bitch, cunning
family:: ?
grade:: 11:: junior

So Toji pisses me off, but Sae i just want to bitch slap her, she is one of my most hated characters in a story (Umbridge from HP would have to be my biggest hate!). Being one of the most popular girls in school, small, ivory skin and looking rather sweet, when Momo stands next to her she looks just even more innocent. But don't be fooled! This mega-bitch will ruin Momo's life by doing whatever it takes!
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