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Peach Girl is about Momo, a girl who tans very easily and has naturally blonde hair, a girl who is unfortunate enough to live in a prejudice world that believes blonde, tanned girls to be playgirls. Momo is constantly harassed by men wanting her for her body when all she really wants is to be with Toji.

Momo has known Toji since junior high, they were good friends, and Momo has liked him ever since, but a friend in junior high told Momo that Toji said he would only go out with girls with lighter skin than him, which had been a lie, the girl had only said that because she liked Toji too.

Now in high school Momo is desparately trying to rid herself of her tan, by using sunscreen to the max, wearing long clothes whenever possible, staying in the shade as much as possible and even quit the swim team. But Momo real problem isn't her tan, it's her supposed 'friend' Sae

Sae is everything Momo wants to when it comes to looks, Sae is small, has ivory skin and just looks so cute and sweet, that you wouldn't even realise she is one of the biggest bi*ches in this world. Constantly copying everything Momo does and getting things that Momo wants but can't have.

Momo's real trouble begins though when Sae asks Momo who she likes, and Momo not wanting to tell Sae about Toji points at the first guy she sees in the hall, lucky for her he happens to be one of the most popular guys in the school, Kiley. But for some strange reason later on he turns and winks at her.

Before Momo knows it the whole school talking about how her and Kiley kissed. Momo wants to konw who started this stupid rumour and why. But she is being harassed by Kiley's groupies, and is worried what Toji would think if he found out.

But as Momo gets to know Kiley she becomes friends with him, even though she doesn't like to think of him as a friend, Kiley helps her get through hard times and is there for moral support as well as being Momo's punching bag.

But just when things look like their at their worst Momo starts going out with Toji to her sheer joy. But Sae isn't happy, two of the cutest guys in her school are after Momo, she can't understand why they don't want her, so she begins plotting against Momo and will do anything to crush her happiness.

Sae takes advantage of Kiley's friendship with Momo to twist the truth. Kiley can see through Sae, but Toji is ignorant of Momo's words of advice to stay away from Sae, and has become good friends with her.

This love triangle between Momo, Kiley and Toji will leave one or all crushed, and if Sae gets her way Momo will be the one crushed.
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