<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/goingspare/babylaugh.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
There was an old tart from Baroda
Who built an erotic pagoda
On the walls of the halls
Were festooned all the balls
And the tools of the fools who bestrode her!
A flea and a fly in a flue
Were imprisoned so what could they do?
Said the flea "Let's fly!"
Said the fly "Let's flee!"
So they flew through a flaw in the flue.
A prestigious fat man from Kings
Cared not for whores and such things
His height of desire
Was a young boy in the choir
With a bum like jelly on springs.
There was once a man from Sparta
The world's most magnificent farter
On the strength of one bean
He'd play "God save the Queen"
And Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata."
There was once a lady from Eeling
Who had a most wonderful feeling
She lay on her back
And opened her crack
And pissed all over the ceiling.
There once was a lady from Exeter
So pretty men craned their necks at her
Once was even so brave
As to take out and wave
The distinguishing mark of his sex at her.
There once was a lady called bright
Whose speed was far faster than light
She set off one day
In a relative way
And returned the previous night

Miss Bright to her friends was known to chatter
I have learned something new about matter
My speed was so great
Much increased was my weight
But I failed to get any fatter
There once was a man from Madras
Whose balls were constructed from brass
When they jangled together
They played 'stormy weather'
And lightning shot out of his arse.
There once was a man from Nantucket
Whose prick was so long he could suck it
He said with a grin
Whilst wiping his chin
"If my ear was a c**t I would f**k it."
There once was a man from Bombay
Who fashioned a c**t out of clay
The heat from his prick
Turned it into a brick
And chaffed his poor foreskin away!
Go Home!
Performances I've been in
It couldn't really be?
Books I've read and a short critique
Can this guy be for real?
A short critique of films I've watched
What's he been growing in there?
Has he got a real job?  What will he do when he grows up?
If you liked this page, why not forward to some amusing photos??
What's cookin. Adam Pope?
A list of eclectic and essential sounds
Adam Pope goes bush!
Reverses heart disease!  Turn yourself into a pretzel!
The form of the limerick's so easy
That the rhymes appear quite breezy
But the lines of the wit
Are so oft flavoured with shit
That they arouse the qualms of the queasy.
There once was a man from Thermopylae
Who never did anything properly
They said "If you choose
To boil your eggs in your shoes,
You cannot remain in Thermopylae."
A vice most obscene and unsavoury
Held the Bishop of Balham in slavery
With maniacal howls
He rodgered small owls
Which he kept in an underground aviary
A handsome young monk in a wood
Said "My dear, you should cling to the good." She obeyed him, and gladly.
He rebuked her, but sadly,
"My dear, you have have misunderstood."
There once was a Rabbi from Leithe
Bit off foreskins with his teeth
It wasn't for leisure
Or sexual pleasure
But to get at the cheese underneath.
In the garden of Eden lay Adam
Complacently stroking his madam.
He was loud with mirth
For he knew that on earth
There were only two balls and he had'em.
A worried young man from Stamboul
Discovered red marks on his tool.
Said the doctor, a cynic,
"Get out of my clinic!
And wipe off the lipstick, you fool!"
Right Click and "Save Target As..." to see slides that prove it!
There was a young man from Glengarridge
the fruit of a scrofulous marriage
He sucked off his brother
then buggered his mother
and ate up his sister's miscarriage
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