<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/goingspare/kokako.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Left: The  ethereal Mountain Beech forests found at the treeline on Mt.Roberts.
The Kaimanawas
Below:The view form the top of Uruteketeke (1633m) overlooking lake Taupo.  This tramp involved a similar expeditionary force as Nelson Lakes, with the exception of Craig Beehre.  We spent three nights in the forest park.
Right: The Mars-like North Crater of Tongariro.  Unlikely though it sounds, there was evidence of life - rabbit tracks, and lots of lichen.
Left:  The view of Mt Ngauruhoe (2431m), shortly before we climbed it.  Unfortunately it clouded over when we got to the top of it. 
This tramp involved Andrew Squires, Joey Corrie and Malcolm Hutchinson.  We stayed in the park for four nights, also climbing Mt Tongariro and bathing the the Ketetahi Hot Springs.
Wanganui National Park

Right:  "Cum viz me now, as ve eggsplore ze vunders of Nouvelle Zelande...." 
Joey Corrie and I spent three nights paddling down 87km of this historic "Rhine of the South Pacific".  On the last night the river flooded, and we were lucky not to be left stranded without the boat.  The ride down the next day featured 1.5m rapids and iceberg-sized tree trunks swirling and bobbing in the turbulent froth.
Tongariro National Park

This was a great trip - a more detailed breakdown can be found on this page:.
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You're listening to the haunting sound of the North Island Kokako.  To hear more New Zealand birds singing, go to www.kiwi-wildlife.co.nz
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