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Ashtanga Yoga is an ancient discipline incorporating not just flexibility, strength and balance, but also the mental abilities of moderation, awareness of breath, concentration, meditation, morals and, ultimately, samadhi, whatever that is.� Some sort of nirvana I guess.�

Anyhow, the asana, or posture, routine takes approximately 2 hours, and I do it whenever I can - 2 to 3 times a week, generally.� Below are some pretty pictures I flogged from someone else's site and the list of postures which get performed in the Primary and Secondary series//Intermediate  series.� In between each of the sitting postures there's a connecting movement similar to the Surya Namaskara A, which is performed in the animation below:
Warm Up
Surya Namaskara A
Surya Namaskara B (similar to A, but it incorporates Virabhdrasana A)

Standing Postures
Padangusthasana - grab big toes
Padahastasana - stand on palms
Utthita Trikonasana- triangle
Parivrtta Trikonasana - twisted triangle
Utthita Parsvanasana - spear
Prasarita Padottanasana A-D - spread legs forward bends
Parsvatanasana - hands behind back in prayer forward bend
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana A-B - balancing
Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana - balancing lotus
Utkatasana - squat
Virabhdrasana A-B - warrior postures
Surya Namaskara A
Primary Series
Dandasana - sitting tall
Paschimottanasana A-B - sitting pulling toes/feet
Purvottanasana - Sit up, hands down, lift up hips
Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana - 1/2 lotus
Tiryan Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana - 1/2 Varasana
Janu Sirasana A-B - sitting down, grab foot, head to knee
Marichyasana A-D  - one knee up bound forward bend/twists
Navasana - Sitting back straight, then lift up straight legs
Bhujapidasana - balancing on hands with feet crossed
Kurmasana - lying down legs atop shoulders/upper arms
Supta Kurmasana - similar, hands together behind back
Garba Pindasana - Lotus, arms thru legs, rolling on back
Kukkutasana- similar, balancing on hands.  Nauli
Baddha Konasana - sitting, heels to groin, knees to floor
Upavishta Konasana A-B -
Supta Konasana
Supta Padangusthasana A-B
Ubhaya Padanguthasana
Virabhdrasana B
Closing Sequence
Salamba Sarvangasana - Shoulder stand
Halasana - plough
Karnapidasana - knees to ears
Urdva Pindasana - lotus shoulder stand
Pindasana - bound lotus shoulder stand
Matsyasana - fish
Uttana Padasana - arms and legs up
Sirasana - headstand
Baddha Padmasana - bound lotus
Padmasana - lotus
Tolasana - lift up lotus
Savasana - corpse
Presentation Slides that prove it! Right-click and "save target as..." with Internet Explorer. 2MB.
There''s probably a place near you which practices this regularly. You can check it out at the Ashtanga Yoga Directory

Godfrey Devereaux's book, Dynamic Yoga, is also an excellent source of information, written in an accessible manner for beginners with many tips and excellent photos.

The official site for Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is

Yoga isn't just some esoteric eastern gobblydygook - An article in The Journal of the American Medical Association has ostensibly proved, when combined with a vegetarian diet, it can reverse heart disease. According to a Time magazine article in June, 2001, anyhow.  Side-effects include an increased quality of life, clearer thought, higher mobility, peace of mind, and a more positive outlook on life.  More nourishing food for the mind cannot be found.  Namaste.
A Mantra for Patanjali
Click on the Astanga opening mantra to download Sri K. Pattabhi Jois doing it in .mp3 format.
Secondary Series
Pasasana - Bound twisted squat
Krounchasana - One leg high half vajrasana
Salabhasana A and B - On stomach, legs and head up
Bhekasana - On stomach, vajrasana (hands atop feet)
Dhanurasana - on stomach, hands on shins bow
Parsva Dhanurasana - same, but rolling side to side
Ustrasana - on knees back bend
Laghuvajrasana - keep going back til head is on floor
Kapotanasana - Even further, eh ho!
Supta Vajrasana
Bakasana A and B
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Eka Pada Sirsasana
Dwi Pada Sirsasana
Tittibhasana A and B
Pincha Mayurasana
Supta Urdva Pada Vajrasana
Mukhta Hasta Sirsasana A, B and C
Baddha Hasta Sirsasana A, B, C, and D
Urdva Dhanurasana
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A clear, informative and superb website
Click here to download Pattabhi Jois MP3 version
Closing Prayer - MP3 by PK Jois
Download Pattabhi Jois's version in MP3
Sri K Pattabhi Jois mantra invocation prayer download MP3 free ashtanga yoga astanga vande gurunam svasti
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