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GordeonBleu 2006 Nov
Fig. 14

GordeonBleu 2005 Aug
Fig. 13

GordeonBleu 2005 Feb
Fig. 12

GordeonBleu 2003 Oct
Fig. 11

GordeonBleu 2003 May
Fig. 10

GordeonBleu 2003 Beginning of Year
Fig. 9

GordeonBleu 2002 Late Spring
Fig. 8

GordeonBleu 2002 May
(right before redesign)
Fig. 7b

GordeonBleu 2000 July
Fig. 7

Dinoworld 2000 Spring Late
Fig. 6

Dinoworld 2000 Spring Mid
Fig. 5

Dinoworld 2000 Spring Early
Fig. 4

Dinoworld 1999 Summer
Fig. 3

Dinoworld 1999 Spring
Fig. 2

Dinosore's Homepage 1998 Nov 22
(rough re-creation; original lost)
Fig. 1

:: GordeonBleu Index Archives ::
-= and a site history =-

What is a "GordeonBleu"?
Pronunciation of GordeonBleu "GordeonBleu" is based on a nickname given to me by my band teacher Mr. Angelo and my friend Andrew Mascarenhas in 1997. I was called Gordon Bleu, inspired either by a musician's name or a French word, to avoid naming confusion with another boy in band, Justin Gordon. Andrew brought it a step further and began calling me Gordeon Bleu. Coincidentially, my favorite color happened to be blue at the time, but that had nothing to do with the name.

So why is the history of my site relevant to the 'about me' section? GordeonBleu is my main online presence. It's my space on the Web, a medium through which I have grown rather comfortable expressing myself. So here's a glimpse of how I arrived at where I am today.

The History


    GordeonBleu, before known as Dinosore's Homepage and Dinoworld, was first created on November 22, 1998. I was asking my friend Brianna (at the time, alias: Duckiqueen) about making websites in the fall after her introducing me to HTML in the summer that same year. I didn't have any plans for my new website, but I signed up for a GeoCities account under "dinosore". The very first URL was geocities.com/TimesSquare/9722/, which I no longer own. I started by making a very basic website with barely organized links. My first two sections were StoryCorner and SimCity 3000. By the end of 1998, I still did not know enough HTML to hand code, so I relied on novice web building tools like GeoCities' fill-in-the-page-properties builder. For months, my site remained with a crude design and no purpose.


    Fortunately, I learned some basic HTML things like font features and hyperlinks beginning in December 1998, starting with the font formatting tags in the SimCity 3000 online bulletin boards. Having a growing interest in this, I began to learn more through the viewing of other sites' source codes and lots of editing and testing, and by February and March 1999, I could write my own pages from scratch, code only. Then one day in April 1999, I discovered that the company network had blocked access to the TimesSquare section of GeoCities. Not wanting to abandon my website, I decided to move and remodel my site. I was able to do this because I had all my files on my computer where I would edit them. So I moved it to geocities.com/SiliconValley/Code/4098/, which I no longer own. And since I was moving my website, I thought that I might as well remodel it too. So I remodeled the entire thing using my newly developed, but still relatively basic, HTML skills.

    This change was phenomenal, and the compliments encouraged me to continue to make changes. In 1999, I did the most experimenting with different layouts. I tried the graphics button format, the icons format, and the left-side table navigation format. I used black as a background throughout my homepage to make the colors on the page brighter, and as I played around with colors on my pages, I began to move towards green-on-purple and yellow-on-purple. (See Fig. 2, Fig. 3, and Fig. 4)

    In August 1999, all of GeoCities was blocked by my ISP. I was forced to move my website once again, but this time to another portal - Tripod. (At some point around this time, I also experimented with a range of free homepage sites because there was such a large amount of them in 1999. Among these were Homestead, Xoom, and Angelfire.) Since I was relocating my homepage to Tripod, I also redesigned my index page, creating a start page more compact and organized. The new site was at: members.tripod.com/dinosore2/, which I no longer own. Little did I know that I was going to have to relocate my homepage again because of more blocking of sites by my company ISP.

    Although I wasn't able to access my homepage on Tripod, I could still access the editing pages on Tripod, so I decided not to move and instead upload my pages without viewing the pages online. It didn't matter that much that I could not see my pages online because I already did all my editing and viewing of my pages on my computer, and then uploaded them online. Still, this situation discouraged me a bit from working on my site, so I redesigned it so that minimum maintenance was required. For months after that, I only occasionally updated and even when I did, the changes were usually miniscule.


    I decided to stick with this neat, organized design (see Fig. 3), but after four months I had seen dramatic changes in the homepages of friends all around me. I felt left behind with no new content or design. So, in February 2000, I remodeled once more. (See Fig. 4) I removed my graphical interface completely and used the common left-side table for links. But I still didn't like it that much. It needed a totally new look - in colors. Sooo....in March 2000, I used my favorite combinations of colors of blue and created a neat, organized site. (See Fig. 5) Around this time, I changed my domain one last time to geocities.com/gordeon/. I still wanted to use the icons I had made in 1999, so I included them in the left-nav bar, and that was a bad decision, for it made the page look clumsier. (See Fig. 6) On July 2000, I decided that to base the homepage name on the URL (gordeon) and my AIM name (gordeonbleu) and my 7th grade band nickname (Gordon Bleu). I used a dark blue background with brighter blue tables with cleaner lines, created a logo that finally matched the color scheme, and renamed it GordeonBleu. (See Fig. 7)


    I used this first GordeonBleu design for more than a year, and then on May 2002, I announced that I was changing the design. By July 2002, I had switched to lighter, softer shades of blue, had begun to heavily use CSS, and had redesigned my logo. (See Fig. 8)


    During May and June 2003, I decided to try to change my image and move away from the tables layout that I had stuck with for such a long time. I imitated the design of Corbis.com and created a scrolling navigation line of images with a soft white-grayish look. I also designed a new GordeonBleu logo that looked remotely like brushed metal. And I tried to create a dreamy effect using photo art and lots of white space. (See Fig. 10). In October 2003, my obsession with Apple and its ad campaigns inspired me to change all the navigation images. (See Fig. 11). I also finally decided to stop worrying Netscape compatibility and instead designed for Mozilla Firebird compatibility.


    There was no major redesign of the front page in this year. I only made slight tweaks and enhances to make the page load faster. My focus shifted to redesigning the other various sections in GordeonBleu, as well as completing the transition of every single page to Firebird/Firefox compatibility. Throughout the second half of the year, I created some rough drafts of possible redesigns for the main page, but I had trouble actually making them digitally. In October, I began creating a higher-bandwidth, ads-free mirror of the entire GordeonBleu site at www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~gordeon, which is never intended to replace the GeoCities domain for various reasons. In December, I began to look for ways to replace only the navigation images (and leave the rest of the page design alone), possibly with swappable external CSS stylesheets.


    In January, I began to work on the green navigation image replacement for the main page, but I ended up creating a new logo and color scheme for Imagine. The color scheme was hard on the eyes when it came to the readability of the text, so I decided to leave Imagine's look as it was. Finally, in February, I decided to drop my attempts to use images, and I instead created new navigation images using text. The rest of the page's look remained the same. (See Fig. 12) Towards the end of August, I finally redesigned the navigation portion of the main page from one of my rough drawings. (See Fig. 13) I created a wall of frames using the lines and color fill tools. With it, I used HTML image maps, something I hadn't ever used on any of my official pages.

    This design move marked the end of my long unofficial policy of restricting visually appealing web design to only minimal graphics and the web-safe color palette. I had been inspired by the multitude of CSS-heavy sites by graphics designers, and I set new goals to move the GordeonBleu pages in that direction.

The Founding of the Sections

    SimCity 3000 TimesSquare (now SimCity 3000 Reference)
    Poetry and Jokes (a.k.a. Dinosore's Poetry Corner, Poetry Society, iMAGiNE)
    The Dagger of Amon Ra
    Smiley Gallery (moved into HTML Workshop)
    HTML Workshop
    Animated GIFs (discontinued)
    About Dinosore (now About Me)
    Contact Form
    Yak-a-Lot Bulletin Board (discontinued)
    Dinosore Quiz (discontinued)
    Dinoworld - Fancier Version [using image maps] (discontinued)
    Parodies Galore! (discontinued)
    About Bri (moved into People in 2003)
    Music (discontinued)
    Polls (discontinued)
    About You Form (discontinued)
    The Secret Message
    Lazy E-mail Form (discontinued)
    Dino Dreams (discontinued)
    Detect Browser (moved into HTML Workshop)
    Guestbook Archives
    Snow Cones, Inc.
    Dreamland (renamed Dreamworld)
    Riddles and Brain Teasers
    Netspeak (moved into HTML Workshop)
    TetriNET (October 2000)
    Fonts Requirement (now called I Like Fonts)
    stAts Consortium
    iMAGiNE (replaced Poetry section)
    SimFarm Reference
    SimTower Reference
    The Age of Empires Asylum
    Red Alert 2 Realm
    Stevenson Life
    Dhahran Insider
    Counter-Strike (never started)
    SimCity 4 Reference
    C++ Obsession (never started)
    Grab Bag
    Photo Stories
    Techie (now includes HTML Workshop)
    Writing (category page discontinued)
    Mac-simize: Mac-sessive Compulsive
    iGordo Extras Gallery
    Panoramic Eye (January 5, 2005)
    Scribbles (January 30, 2005)
    Kim Possible Addict (March 21, 2005)
    Folio (October 22, 2005)
    studio:margin (January 28, 2006)
©1998 - . GordeonBleu. Gordon Mei. History! That's so last week.

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