The Grey Lynn Community Centre.  Photo by Bruce Grenville.  Click to see a larger photo. 

Grey Lynn News

Dancing in the Streets, partying, as poison terror ends

20th June 2004
Aerial spraying of poison over residential areas of West Auckland has been stopped at last. West Aucklanders have reacted with relief, and celebrations were all on, as the Clark regime finally gave in to the huge pressure to stop the atrocities. 
Poison spray plane over Grey Lynn.
Acid spray falls on Auckland
Painted apple moth caterpillar.
The caterpillar at issue.

The final dose of the carcinogenic poison over West Auckland was 11th May 2004. The ineffective campaign has ruined the health of many folk in Auckland and Hamilton over the past two years. The ending of the uncivilised dropping of poisons on residents follows a recent study by the Wellington School of Medicine, which questioned the safety of the spray. more Residents were warned not to leave their laundry out on Spray Days. Those "secret ingredients" have rotted clothes!
151 reasons not to spray
MAF advert 1 – truthful version
MAF advert 2 – truthful version

What's in that spray?
Foray 48B is a commercial formulation containing 97.9% inert, chemical ingredients. The manufacturer and MAF refuse to divulge what these are. Overseas these have been found to include: toluene, parabens, sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, sodium hydroxide (lye) and a long list of other potentially harmful or carcinogenic substances. These, along with the Bt component (live bacterial spores), are suspected of causing health problems and allergic reactions.
Read the story.

Local Scientist discovers
Moth pheromone!

West Auckland scientist Dr John Clearwater's entirely self funded efforts have finally resulted in the discovery of the Painted Apple Moth pheromone.

His discovery of the Tussock Moth pheromone was instrumental in getting the aerial spraying stopped over east Auckland six years ago.

After being refused government funding John Clearwater has worked out of his own pocket, in conjunction with an international team of scientists, to isolate all the components of the PAM pheromone.

He says the pheromone is 10 times more attractive to the male Painted Apple Moth than a live female and should prove extremely effective.

The Waitakere City Council has given him the go ahead to conduct field trials of his pheromone but he now needs permission from Ian Gear of MAF. Contrary to recent media reports, this has not yet been forthcoming. Without permission from MAF to start field trials, use of the pheromone will be delayed. Because he could not get MAF's permission to field test his completed PAM pheromone here he now intends to trial it in Australia - where the PAM is a native. So he's been forced to test it offshore because of MAF's inflexible attitude, in spite of having permission from the Waitakere City Council to test it in their parks.

Auckland residents are hoping it will not come too late to stop the next two blanket aerial sprays scheduled for September over large parts of Auckland, Waitakere and North Shore cities, according to Helen Wiseman-Dare, chairperson of West Aucklanders Against Aerial Spraying

Border Patrol
or Damage Control ?

25th August 2003
MAF's proposal to move to 100% inspection of sea containers would do nothing to help the thousands of people whose health and lives had been destroyed by over one and a half years of aerial spraying for the Painted Apple Moth, declared Helen Wiseman-Dare, Chairperson, West Aucklanders Against Aerial Spraying today .

Helen Wiseman-Dare:
the regime is ruining the health and lives
of thousands of people
by spraying them.
Helen Wiseman-Dare,
Campaigning for freedom
from poison spray.
 With blanket spraying of areas covering three Auckland cities set to resume in September, WASP is calling on MAF to explain why spraying is still continuing

despite no moths or caterpillars having been found since April, and since December last year in the Meola Creek hotspot area.

She also said it was appalling that Dr John Clearwater was being forced to field test his Painted Apple Moth pheromone in Australia due to MAF's intransigent attitude.

As long as second hand sewage trucks and other used vehicles and machinery are allowed to enter the country undecontaminated the people of New Zealand will continue to pay the costs of foreign pest eradication, she said.

The Minister for Biosecurity has allowed this country to be used as a tourist haven for countless foreign pests while expecting New Zealanders to pay the price. Unlike his predecessor during the east Auckland Tussock Moth spraying he has not once come to Auckland and fronted up to the people he has sentenced to be aerial sprayed for the next three years.

WASP is calling for his immediate resignation and is strongly advising people not to vote Labour in the next election.

Visit the Anti-Spray website.

Struggle for Democracy in Auckland gets support.

6th January 2004
For years, Aucklanders concerned for their fellow humans have organised rallies, marches, and fundraisers to help struggle for freedom from oppressive régimes abroad. But lately, many locals have begun campaigning for democracy for Auckland, in the wake of the Stalinist oppression and censorship by the City Council and the Labour Party front group City Vision.
Sign calling for free speech in front of a Grey Lynn house, January 2003.

Sign calling for free speech in front of a Grey Lynn house, January 2003.
Auckland homes with free speech signs on. Click either photo to see larger view.
 All over Auckland, signs are appearing on people's home fences, calling for an end to persecution of Ike Finau, and free speech in Auckland. Mr Finau, of Grey Lynn, has been harrassed because he dared to tell the truth about the lies of City Vision. "A Court decision which threatens jail for citizens

who have the guts to tell the truth about politicians telling lies, while allowing politicians to lie with impunity – deserves to be treated with contempt," declared Penny Bright. Read the story.
Democracy is beautiful – view cartoon.

Festival success!

The annual Grey Lynn Park Festival happened on Saturday 22nd November, 2004, and went off! About 54,000 people enjoyed the huge array of stalls with crafts, clothing, food, bric-a-brac, and performances from several stages, up from about 51,000 last year. The weather was perfect, sunny with only a light breeze, and no rain.
Folks enjoy the festival.
Click to see a larger view. 

The 2005 Festival is now being planned. Grey Lynn Park. Like to help? E-mail the Festival organisers.

Inquiries about the Festival, please e-mail them, or phone them on 376-0743.
Visit the Festival website.

Aliens may
be here now!

18th November 2002
Aliens may be living here right now, but we can't see them. Some of the scientists on a panel that met at George Washington University came to this conclusion after looking at the evidence, from eyewitness reports and photographs to radar blips and metal artifacts. Bernard Haisch of the California Institute for Physics and Astrophysics, thinks scientists don't study UFOs out of fear of ridicule and retaliation and says, "Scientists are more closed-minded on the subject of UFOs than the general public…Many scientists may still be reacting to the Church's cruelty toward scientists back in the 16th century."

Professor Kaku.
City University of New York physicist Michio Kaku says, "Aliens may be here now, in another dimension, a millimeter away from our own." He thinks the universe has 11 dimensions, of which we've identified only four. He also thinks visitors would use nanotechnology to visit Earth. more

Wonder &   smiles
when animals visit.

23rd September 2002
The Community Centre was teleported to distant farmland today - or so it seemed. No, not really, but a visit from Old McDonald's Farm to the Centre's carpark as part of the Kids' Holiday Programme saw many different animals amaze the children.

What a thirsty goat you are!
Everyone wanted a turn to feed the goat.

It was a real "hands-on" time, with everyone keen to nurse the rat, ride the pony, feed the goat, and admire the ducks and pigs.

I hope my horse doesn't buck!
Not your usual view of the Centre carpark!

All the children enjoyed the visit, and the helpful cowboy and cowgirls who answered all our questions and told us about the animals. For more photos from the day, visit our Photo Gallery.

Letter from a Baby
Got a baby or small child? Click here to read a letter from a young baby.
Thanks to Grey Lynn Plunket for this.

Shitties crucify the messenger, re-elect the criminal.

City Vision, a front group for the Labour Party, Alliance, and Greens, pulled out all stops to try to sink freedom of speech in Grey Lynn on Saturday 14th September 2002, when the Annual General Meeting of the Wages Green Dollar Exchange was held.

This should have been just another boring meeting of the usual bureaucrats who love to stir the sediment on such occasions, but City Vision (nicknamed "Shitty Vision" by many folks disgusted by their antics) stacked the meeting with everyone it could muster, and this Shitty control was first made evident in the selection of chairperson. When a member rose to propose Neil Murphy be chair, Raewyn Alexander (clearly endorsed by the Shitties present) replied, "No, I am chair", and there was no dissent from the servile Shitties around the room. Read the story

Huge anti-war rally in Auckland

17th February 2003

A beautiful sunny day greeted almost 15,000 people who marched up Auckland's main street, Queen Street, to urge no war with Iraq. Many banners were amusing and provocative, and  No blood for oil!  
Peace, not war, in Iraq!
the march was the first of many around the globe to urge sanity on warmongering politicians. A Peace Concert took place on Sunday 16th February at Potters Park.
Click to see cartoon larger.
Cartoon title: SURROUNDED, 
by Stephanie Miller.

South Park rules in Grey Lynn!
 South Park
A cool SouthPark website has been made by local boy Sean King. To visit it, click here.

Barter bank kamikazied by Labourite Swiss Yachtsmen

14th March 2003
The WAGES Green Dollar Exchange, a local barter system that has served Greylynners for over ten years, has been suicided in a move of dubious legality after pressure from Labour Party front group City Vision. Members with credit in the alternative bank are advised to sue the individual kamikaze committee members as the Exchange was never incorporated, says a legal expert. More / photos  
Graeme Dennis Easte: a Swiss Yachtsman.
While a member of the Exchange, he simultaneously worked to shut it down though other groups 
he is a member of.  He was determined to shut down the successful alternative bank,
even if it wiped out hundreds of small account holders.
Graeme Easte,
City Vision.

WAGES is no more.
Very sad for those with accounts in credit.
Guess who waltzes off with the new computer,
and the new cupboard?

New York's Mad Sprayer
to party in Auckland

Rudy Giuliani,
another mad sprayer.<br>
Click this photo to
read more about his
many crimes.
Rudy Giuliani,
the Mad Sprayer.
 Lion Nathan NZ Charitable Trust presents this exclusive black tie evening with the former mayor of New York and hero of "Sept 11" in the ASB Bank Lounge, Eden Park. In aid of the Starship Foundation and Kidz First. Tickets $5750 plus GST per table of 10. more
About Rudy Giuliani: This is a man who has the taxpayers cars ticketed, towed, seized and sold at police department auctions by the tens of thousands each month while giving campaign contributors free parking passes and even entire streets where parking is reserved for their limousines. This is a man who illegally unsealed juvenile court records solely in order to sully the reputation of an innocent man killed by the police; who has consistently refused to express condolences or regret to the families and survivors of police brutality under his administration and who has his police arrest children for being ten minutes late to school. more

Free Speech
dead in West Auckland?

On 9th July 2003 many citizens staged a peaceful occupation of Waitakere City Council chambers in protest at the council having reneged on an undertaking to review the user pays policy of water charging. Mayor Bob Harvey has subsequently been reported as likening the non-violent behaviour of the protesters to that of terrorists, and been rash enough to announce that he is taking one protester to the Race Relations Tribunal for a placard slogan he alleges is offensive to holocaust survivors. Harvey has also taken a complaint against C.A.P for allowing the sign to be displayed at a public meeting.

Margaret Jones, known to many as a veteran protester against all forms of racism and fascism, and honoured by Mayor Harvey himself with a Millennium Medal for services to the community, had been incensed by the expulsion from the Council offices of anti-spray protester Helen Wiseman-Dare and the serving upon her of a two-year tresspass order – allegedly for swearing within the hearing of children. As an expression of her disgust, Margaret carried a placard with a slogan clearly using the swastika to compare the council's draconian action with that of fascists. Having lived through the Nazi era she has seen what the suppression of criticism can lead to. Margaret says "A woman has been prevented from speaking which is just what they used to do in Nazi Germany. I lived through all that and I know how Nazism began with little things like the cutting of free speech. I'm not suggesting that is what is happening here, but people need to be aware that this is just how these things get started".

It is a complete reversal, both of her values and of her intentions, for Harvey to claim that she was intimidating the victims of fascism. Indeed it is outrageous that a lifelong campaigner against fascism should at the age of 83 suffer the indignity of having to defend herself against such a preposterous accusation. All who know Margaret, together with all who value justice, should write to Harvey in protest. Harvey deserves mass condemnation for this outrage.

And now comes news that free speech is truly dead in the west. The local free community newspaper, "Western Leader", has refused to publish rebuttals to their story, sent in the form of letters to the editor! more

Capill guilty of molesting girls

1st April 2005
The former boss of the Christian Heritage Party, Rev. Graham Capill (shown at right) has pleaded guilty to charges of indecent assault on a girl aged under 12, in the Christchurch Court. Christian pervert and child molester,
Rev. Graham Capill, former boss of the
Christian Heritage Party.
Pervert Capill.

The child-molesting reverend, who led the CHP for 13 years, constantly harangued Kiwis about the "immoral lives" they led, and was vocal in attacking exactly the sort of crime he has now been found guilty of!   Hypocrisy? – but it's OK, God approves of this charmer, it would seem. Just don't ask him to babysit your children! As the pervert left the courtroom, he was attacked by an angry citizen. The conviction is widely expected to doom attempts by Christian zealots to get seats in parliament.
Meanwhile, the child molester has been stood down from his day job as a police prosecutor, in the very court that convicted him! God is expected to offer the pervert alternative employment, and he is thought to be under consideration for the papacy.

Kiwi atrocities brought to light.

30th June 2005
The Post Office of the Republic of Tarajara has issued a set of four full-colour stamps to call attention to atrocities committed by New Zealand over the years. The stamps are valued at 70 francs; 140 francs; 165 francs; and 270 francs.

The 70 franc stamp shows David Benson-Pope, a notorious Kiwi bully. As a schoolmaster,

David Benson-Pope,
notorious Kiwi bully,
is depicted on this
stamp from Tarajara.
Click to see larger view.

he terrorised his students, and traumatised many, with some students terrified at the thought of having to attend school. One particularly bizarre case was where he wedged a tennis ball into a child's mouth, and then tied his hands down to a desk so he was unable to remove it. He is currently a member of the New Zealand parliament.

The 140 franc stamp shows Helen Elizabeth Davies, more commonly known as Helen Clark, a New Zealand politician. The worst atrocity for which she was responsible was to drop poison spray over large areas of civilian residences in the cities of Hamilton and West Auckland. more

Police use
underhand tactics

15th May 2005
A young anarchist from Whakatane High School and his pensioner parents got the fright of their lives on April 29 when six police turned up at their door to confiscate the 18 year old's computer. Jono Eastwood was told by the police that he was facing a seven year stretch in jail, though he was unsure of what crime he had committed.
    Things became clearer when the school got in touch with him and told him he was suspended indefinitely. Jono had set up a website on the internet, pointing out all the things about the school that were against his political beliefs, along with a small joke about the principal, who once wanted to put up video cameras to keep an eye on all the students.
    The charges were false accusations and slander. Jono had light-heartedly suggested that the principal had set up cameras in the boys toilets!
Pupil indefinitely suspended
Mark, an anarcho punk from the same school, was also suspended indefinitely as he had written one of the articles for the website.
    Both students were told not to get the media involved, as the offence was apparently one of the first of its kind in New Zealand involving the internet.
    However, the local radio station found out, and released the name of Jono over the air. The local paper also wrote a small article about the incident.
Jono got his computer back a few days later, but found that the website files had been deleted, along with all the information on anarchism he had obtained off the internet over the previous few years, some of which was irreplaceable.
Community support
As a result of the publicity about the incident, many in the community rallied in support of the boys. A hearing was held on 6 May in front of the school board. Several lawyers were present, and letters from the boys' supporters were read out. Faced with overwhelming community opposition to their handling of the incident, the school board decided to drop the charges and the students were allowed to return to school.

Michael B.r

Try this great Kiwi "ebay-like" auction site:OneWay - New Zealand Auctions & online marketplace

Simply Auctions

Yet another Lost Episode discovered

17th January 2004
Lost without trace for over thirty years, an episode of the famous TV science-fiction series Doctor Who has come to light in England.

The film is 'Day of Armageddon', the second episode of The Daleks' Master Plan! This is a 12-episode story, originally broadcast in 1965, but up to now, only episodes 5 and 10 had been extant.

 Doctor Who with his tardis.

Click photo to see the full story.
William Hartnell as Doctor Who with his tardis.
With the third film now having turned up, life looks much brighter on the science-fiction front. In 1999, also in January, a lost episode from The Crusade, an early Doctor Who adventure, was located by Aucklander Bruce Grenville. more

Richer, Stouter, & no happier
11th January 2004
More people are adopting a lifestyle that leaves them dissatisfied and the Earth impoverished, US researchers say.
The Worldwatch Institute says more than 25% of the world's people now enjoy the style which used to belong to the rich.

But it says rising obesity and debt, and increasing pressures on time, are reducing many people's quality of life.

In its annual report,

 More than 1.7 billion people have entered the consumer class.
More than 1.7 billion people have entered the "consumer class".
Worldwatch says consumers' demands are devouring the natural world unsustainably, leaving the poor less able to meet their needs. more

MAF Condemned for Resumption of Chemical Warfare

8th October 2003
Helen Wiseman-Dare, Chairperson, West Aucklanders Against Aerial Spraying today condemned MAF's decision to resume blanket spraying over Auckland for the Painted Apple Moth.

MAF continues to wage chemical warfare over innocent civilians although no moths or caterpillars have been found for over six months, she said. The Meola Reef area has not had a find since last December.

MAF has increased its aerial spray zone which now covers even larger parts of three Auckland cities - North Shore, Waitakere and Auckland.

The numbers of those needing to be evacuated are once again expected to rise into the hundreds. The misery and disruption suffered by those whose lives have already been devasted by nearly two years of aerial spraying will once again escalate. Even during the winter hot spot spraying, new cases of those suffering adverse health effects continued to be reported. Some streets in the hot spot areas have many families regularly evacuated by MAF to motels.

Last night around 30 anti spray protestors picketed at the Kelston Community Centre where MAF was holding a public consultation meeting on walking access in the NZ outdoors. The protestors were demanding access to a Sprayfree Outdoors. They were supported by a contingent from the Hamilton aerial spray zone dressed in long black veils, black clothes and hats, carrying crosses inscribed with "RIP" referring to the death of our clean, green environment now being poisoned by aerial spraying.

West Aucklanders Against Aerial Spraying supports those in Hamilton in their fight against the Asian Gypsy Moth aerial spraying.

Mad Cow
outbreak in NZ.

Bureaucrats attempt cover-up.

11th August 2003
The human form of Mad Cow Disease, vCJD, has been found in a young man in Hamilton, confirmed Dr Colin Tukuitonga, Director of Public Health.

The outbreak has been known about for several months, but Kiwi bureaucrats have been covering up the story. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease variant, or vCJD, is commonly known as "the meat-eaters' disease", and is caused by eating beef or animal by-products from mad-cow infected animals. There is no known cure.

"This outbreak comes as no surprise, as there are direct links between feeding herbivorous animals with animal by-products and the disease," said the Director of Save Animals from Exploitation, Mr Anthony Terry. "Many animal by-products such as gelatine are still imported from Britain, despite a supposed ban on meat products from there since 1996."

Mr Terry said it comes as no surprise to see Kiwi bureaucrats falling over themselves to try to hide this story. "This is not the first time they have prevented such information from becoming public," he said.

"It's a frightful disease, and it's so rapidly progressive," said Professor Martin Pollock of the CJD Registry at Otago University. He confirmed he was told of the outbreak two months ago. On Sunday 10th August, TV2 screened the movie "Outbreak", about a government attempt to cover up the breakout of an epidemic in the USA, starring Dustin Hoffmann. Seeing this movie on home screens must surely have had many Kiwi bureaucrats squirming uncomfortably.

Best solution to avoid the disease: become fully vegetarian, and avoid all milk and gelatine products. Read more about CJD.

Parking, Spray, Corruption seen as key problems

1st September 2003
A public meeting called by the Auckland City Council's Western Bays Community Board was well attended tonight, with many local folks obviously relishing the chance to question the bureaucrats on important local issues, and their handling or mishandling of them.

Parking, the poison spraying, and corruption of Council bureaucrats were the main issues on people's minds, judging by questions and discussion. The City Vision dominated Community Board were clearly aware that locals are not impressed with their antics.

Car parking was seen as a big issue, with many expressing concern that restaurants are exempted from the need to provide carparks for patrons if they "do a deal" with Council bureaucrats. Concern was also raised about a new complex under construction in Surrey Crescent, and how the developer had circumvented the provisions of environmental impact reports by either bribing neighbours or Council bureaucrats, or buying up nearby properties and then re-selling again with a proviso that the new owner may not object to the out-of-character development. City Vision chief Bruce Hucker spent some time deriding a resident who questioned the integrity of Council staff, while the resident kept interrupting "But I have evidence!" – a plea that this man of the cloth was deaf to.

Another local resident made an impassioned plea for the Community Board to take a stand about the poison spray campaign being waged by "the Mad Woman of Mount Albert and her flunkies in MAF" as he picturesquely described it. "Of course we realise that you and the City Council are not ordering this spraying, but surely you could take a stand and act as community advocate with MAF to urge its cessation?", he asked. City Visionist Graeme Easte jumped up as defender of the poisoning to claim that all was well, and that the alternatives were not yet tested. He was reminded that MAF has refused to fund testing, and that the moth pheromone is now being tested in Australia, due to MAF's intransigence.

At the end of the meeting, folks were able to indulge in a rich spread featuring expensive imported cheeses, avocado, dips, gherkins, and sundry other snacks in great profusion that is identical with that which the Community Board treats itself at each of its monthly meetings, using it's "slush fund". The eyes of Aucklanders were surely widened by the experience, and their opinion of the Labour establishment falling over itself to defend the status quo and the poison spraying saddened many who hoped for some understanding and sympathy. Clearly City Vision are pushing their own agenda to the exclusion of the public, and just went through the motions without having any intentions of taking anything on board. At the wrap-up, a resident admonished Bruce Hucker for electioneering in his responses, while others condemned Easte for his defending the atrocities of Clark and MAF. More about the evils of City Vision

Dolphin slaughter
in Japan filmed

12th October 2003
Three members of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society were arrested and are
Dolphin leaping.

Dolphins are the only mammal with intelligence rated as higher than humans. being held by police in Taiji, Japan, for documenting a dolphin roundup in the area with video and still cameras. Taiji is located on the south part of mainland Japan, near Osaka.

Brooke MacDonald (Canadian), Morgan Whorwood (British), and Nicholas Hensey (American) recently traveled to Japan to document the dolphin round-up and slaughter by local fisherman near Taiji. Wild dolphin slaughter occurs in several areas of Japan – it's estimated that 1-2 thousand dolphins are killed each year via round-ups, and additional thousands killed by other means.
A reason for the arrest is unclear. The three Sea Shepherd members reportedly called the local Japanese police themselves and were arrested for unknown cause. While it is not illegal to document a dolphin round-up, the video documentation of the slaughter is very graphic and is effective in raising awareness of the issue world-wide.
Similar slaughters are frequent and increasing in other coastal fishing villages such as Futo. Although dolphin meat is highly toxic with industrial pollution, it can be passed as prized whale meat and sold on the open market. Other products include pet food and fertilizer. The Japanese government promotes a whaling program that kills over 1000 Minke whales each year, despite the 1986 international moratorium on whaling.
Captain Paul Watson.

Click this picture to see a larger photo
showing Captain Watson and others on one
of Sea Shepherd's valiant fleet.
Paul Watson
 Sea Shepherd was instrumental in stopping dolphin slaughter on Iki Island, Japan, in the early 1980's when the local fishermen signed an agreement with Captain Paul Watson to permanently end the practice.
Sea Shepherd is a non-profit, non governmental marine wildlife conservation organization which has protected the lives of hundreds of thousands marine animals around the world since being founded in 1977. For more information, please contact Captain Paul Watson, founder and president of Sea Shepherd. Email: [email protected].

Now Corporations Claim the "Right To Lie"
by Thom Hartmann

While Nike was conducting a huge and expensive PR blitz to tell people that it had cleaned up its subcontractors' sweatshop labor practices, an alert consumer advocate and activist in California named Marc Kasky caught them in what he alleges are a number of specific deceptions. Citing a California law that forbids corporations from intentionally deceiving people in their commercial statements, Kasky sued the multi-billion-dollar corporation. Read the story

Campaign to fix
dangerous steps

1st December 2001

who would rather 
play politics 
than fix the 
dangerous steps.

The story about the dangerous front steps has been ordered removed from this Newspaper, on Friday 7th December 2001 at 9 p.m. by Graeme Dennis Easte, Chairperson of the Grey Lynn Community Centre.

Editor's note: I completely reject the right of politicians to interfere in the freedom of the media. I submit that politicians should be answerable for both their actions and inaction. It is the function of free media to put a spotlight on everything politicians do, and never more so than when it touches matters of life and death such as safety in public buildings. To read the censored story, click here.
By clicking to read the censored story, you are affirming that you are personally authorised by Graeme Dennis Easte to view the said story.

Vote on whether the
Dangerous Steps
should be
For more discussion on
reedom of Speech
click here. For more on the evils of Shitty Vision, click here.

Supermarket "discount" warning

3rd April 2004
Many locals visiting Woolworths supermarket in Grey Lynn are finding that the alleged "discounts" offered on presenting a one-card are not being given, according to a local resident.

"When I pointed out the lack of discounts to the operator, she fixed it, and remarked, 'this is the second time today this has happened'. This probably translates as the second time someone has noticed and called attention to it. Many folks probably trot off home assuming that the computerised system has given them the discounts automatically."

So the warning is: always check your docket, and if you haven't been given the discount offered, ask for it!

Money scam exposed.

Cactus perform at Grey Lynn, 17th August 2002.

Click this photo to see a larger picture.
Cactus perform at the Grey Lynn Community Centre. Click this photo to see a larger picture.

Concert at
Centre's Open Day

17th August 2002
The Grey Lynn Community Centre held a successful Open Day, with stalls and entertainment. Many folks enjoyed the entertainment from bands MARY and CACTUS.

Cactus in action, 17th August 2002.

Click this photo to see a larger view.
Cactus in serious action.

Valerie Longworth
gets gold medal.

15th September 2001
Point Chevalier resident Valerie Longworth has been honoured by the award of the Auckland City Millennium Medal.
Valerie was given the medal in recognition of her active community work over the years. She is a member of the committees of Point Chevalier and Grey Lynn Community Centres, and has helped run the Green Dollar Exchange, WAGES, for some years.  Click this photo 
to zoom on the medal.

Photo by Bruce Grenville.
Valerie with the gold medal and certificate, outside the Grey Lynn Community Centre.
To zoom in on the medal, click the photo.
Valerie, a former Librarian, keeps her finger on the pulse of the area, and is an enthusiast for co-operation and peace.

To zoom in for a close-up view of the medal, please click her photo above.

New Co-ordinator

June 2001
The Community Centre has appointed Kate Millington as its new Co-ordinator, replacing Faith King. Kate lives in Grey Lynn, and took up her post on 25th June 2001. When not handling public relations and booking inquiries for the Centre, Kate works as a Mosaic Artist, and the wonderful mural on the corner of the Centre is her work.

Call Kate on AK 378-4908.
Kate Millington,
Centre Co-ordinator.

To view the left portion of the mosaic, click here. To see the central panels, click here. To see the right end, click here. To see the whole building with the mosaic in the foreground, click here.

Photo Gallery
of Plunket Babies
Many local families who use the Grey Lynn - Westmere Plunket have provided photos of their babies for inclusion on Plunket's new Photo Gallery. Click here to view the Gallery.

Hi, I'm Hannah.  I like rabbits, clowns, and apples.Hi, I'm Maggie.  I'm 17 months, and I like Winnie the Pooh, orange juice, and helicopters.
Hannah (left) and Maggie – young Greylynners.

New Art
at the Community Centre

23rd March 2001
New works by two Grey Lynn artists, Phill Rooke and Kate Millington, now grace the Grey Lynn Community Centre. A launch function was held at the Centre on Friday 23rd March 2001, at 4 p.m.

Kate's work is a 9-metre mosaic on the curved wall facing the corner of Edwards Street and Richmond Road, the brown wall on the right of our photo on the masthead. Phill's work is a three-dimensional sculpture adorning a wall in the spacious foyer.

To view the left portion of the mosaic, click here. To see the central panels, click here. To see the right end, click here. To see the whole building with the mosaic in the foreground, click here.

Click here to learn more about Kate Millington and view some of her other mosaic works. Click here to learn more about Phill Rooke and view some of his other sculptures.

The truth is
out there . . .
 Wonder where those pesky earthlings went?

"UFOs and the National Security State" by Richard Dolan, is the first comprehensive study of the U.S. Government's response to the intrusion of UFO phenomena in American skies over the last 50 years. Regardless of one's views on aliens, UFO's etc. the introduction by Jacques Vallée is very instructive on anti-democratic practices routinely practiced by democratic institutions. Read the introduction.
He touches on the governmental practice of "compartmentalising information." This makes it inacessable to all but those key people within the government who are not accountable to the public since the public does not know about the information to begin with. In my view this has been a hindrance by political parties as well with their ruling cliques. Wesley Lawrimore.

What would happen . . .
If George W. Bush, the first unelected President of the United States appointed by the Supreme Court, succeeds in driving the United States government to attack a nation that offers no threat to the United States...

If George W. Bush continues to ignore the cries for peace from millions of people in the United States and throughout the world...

If George W. Bush continues to preside over the destruction of human rights and the shredding of the Constitution of the United States, which he has solemnly sworn to uphold and defend...

If George W. Bush continues to ignore the jurisdiction of the United Nations and the World Court in matters of international law and order...

If George W. Bush continues to boldly attempt to spread United States economic, political and military hegemony throughout the world through force of arms, in the name of the people of the United States...

If George W. Bush continues to answer to corporate and military interests at the expense of the freedom and Constitutionally guaranteed civil rights of the people of the United States...

What would happen if a million citizens of the United States converged on Washington, DC, marched to the White house and physically removed George W. Bush from the Oval Office?

What would happen if two million people from all over the world converged on Washington, DC, marched to the White House and physically removed George W. Bush from the Oval Office and took him to the United Nations to answer for International Crimes Against Humanity?

What would happen if 10 million people in the United States and the world took it upon themselves to rid the world of this greatest threat to peace and to remove the United States government, and all governments, from the grip of corporate and military domination? Michael A. Lewis
Democracy is beautiful – view cartoon.

7 Astronauts Die as Shuttle Breaks Apart

2nd February 2003
Space shuttle Columbia broke apart in flames 200,000 feet over Texas on Saturday, killing all seven astronauts just minutes before they were to glide to a landing in Florida. More / photos

Click here to visit Sea Shepherd.
Captain Paul Watson's
Auckland lecture

8th December 2002
Five whaling ships departed Japan this month for the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary near Antarctica to hunt and kill hundreds of endangered whales, despite the International Whaling Commission moratorium. The Japanese whaling fleet is in blatant violation of several international laws and treaties.

Captain Paul Watson.

Click this picture to see a larger photo
showing Captain Watson and others on one
of Sea Shepherd's valiant fleet.
Paul Watson
 Captain Paul Watson, founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (and one of the original founders of Greenpeace) and an international volunteer crew
of 45 departed Auckland in early December to the frigid waters to stop the Japanese fleet's illegal exploitation. Captain Watson gave a public lecture, on 28th November 2002 at the Seafarers Centre, which was well attended, with the auditorium packed and many folks standing around the walls. Read more

Giovanni P. Intra,
1968 – 2002
It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Giovanni Intra, who died in New York on 17th December 2002. 
Giovanni P. Intra.
A former local lad, Intra studied criticism and art theory at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. He exhibited his own work in several shows in New Zealand and co-founded Test Strip Gallery in Karangahape Road before focusing his energies on China Art Objects, which he launched in Los Angeles’ Chinatown district in 1999 with Steve Hanson and others. The funeral was held on 20th January 2003 at Meadowbank.

Larry Duggan

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Larry Duggan, who died at his home in Featherston on 17th November 2002, his birthday. 
Larry Duggan.
Larry was a film buff for many years, and accumulated a wonderful collection of movie films (not video but the real depth and quality of actual film!) which he regularly screened for friends and locals at his home. So alas, now the famous "Larry's Movies" are no more. About one hundred folks attended his funeral. Larry was a member of the Film Buffs Association, and during the May 2001 convention of the FBA, he hosted the attendees to lunch at his home. Larry is also famous as "the man who located the lost Doctor Who film" ("The Lion") which he later sold to Bruce Grenville. See story. Cancer took him, but he put on a brave face and a happy one till the end. Perhaps he has met John Wayne by now. – Toija French.

Apfelbaum sentenced for fraud

10th April 2004
US Stamp dealer John D Apfelbaum of Philadelphia was sentenced to three years' probation on March 31, 2004 by United States District Court Judge John E Sprizzo in New York City in connection with an auction bid-rigging scam that ran from the early 1980s until at least 1997.

In addition, his company, Earl P L Apfelbaum Inc, was fined $130,000
and John Apfelbaum himself, the firm's executive vice president, $20,000, the Department of Justice said.

The company also agreed to pay $200,000 in restitution to satisfy a judgment in a case brought by the Attorneys-General of New York, California and North Carolina.

Under federal sentencing guidelines, Apfelbaum could have received up to six months in prison after pleading guilty January 28, 2002, to two felony counts of violating the Sherman Antitrust Act in a criminal probe of bid rigging at stamp auctions.

However, because of his "substantial cooperation with the government in the case, probation became an option," prosecutor Charles Reilly, the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division officer in New York City, told Grey Lynn News.

According to the plea agreement filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, Apfelbaum and his firm agree to continue to cooperate with the Antitrust Division "and provide full, complete and truthful information concerning any matter about which" the government asks - which could mean providing information about the activities of the other alleged auction bid-riggers.

Note: Comments included in Grey Lynn News are not necessarily the views of the Management Committee of the Grey Lynn Community Centre, a locally-managed facility of Auckland City Council, assuming they have any.
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