
Grey Lynn Plunket
c/- Grey Lynn Community Centre, 510 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn. Phone AK 378-4565

Kate is eager to be up and running.

Pooh's little friend Maggie, at 17 months.

Hannah tells it like it is.

Taisei, a future All-Black, according to a prediction.

Joni at 5 months.  Look: I can sit up now!

Sean loves music.

Emma aged 4 days.

Laughing policeboy Matthew patrols his beat.

How to succeed at fatherhood

We've all got our sunsafe gear on for the beach!

Work less, not more. Many dads feel they don't spend enough time with their families and the main reason is their commitment to work. It is important to be involved in the upbringing of your child. The input of a father is just as important in a child's development as that of a mother. Although working less may mean a reduced income, careful planning can allow you to enjoy your child, and you'll probably find you enjoy your work more too!

Support your partner, especially in the first six months when she may feel like a "feeding machine". It is a vulnerable time and she needs care and valuing as an equal.

Talk about any problems with your partner and share your ideas on parenting so you can understand each other's views.

Take an interest in the visits to health professionals and children's excursions. Be able to talk about your baby's health or situation as it will enable your child to feel they can approach you when they need assistance.

Be accessible to your children when they need you – they need to feel loved and important.

Spend time with your children on the simple things – drop them off at play centre or school, be there for as many meal times as you can, bathe them, read to them, tuck them in at night. All time is valuable, no matter what the activity is.

Play with your child. Children need play to learn, and it's a great way to bond with your child, teach them, and have fun at the same time.

Use unemployment as an opportunity to spend time with your children – take them to kindergarten or school, play with them, feed and bathe them – you may never have the opportunity again.

Get to know your own dad – we usually learn most of our fathering from our own father. Your own fathering is more likely to be successful if you have a good relationship with your own dad.

Support other fathers and be supported by them – parents need support for families and parenting to work. Share your experiences with other dads so you can learn from others in a similar situation.

For more information on fatherhood and parenting, check out the following web sites:
New Zealand Father & Child Society
Parents Centre
Parenting with Confidence

Website by Dolphin Design, Grey Lynn.

PLUNKET HELPLINE: 0800-933-922

For details of our Clinic hours, click here. Child restraints for cars: click here for a report. And taking care of yourself is important too: click here for suggestions. Toilet training: click here. See the national Plunket website.

Recipes l Plunket main page l Clinic hours l Photos l Child safety precautions l Community Centre

Disclaimer: The views expressed on this website do not necessarily represent those of The Royal New Zealand Plunket Society.

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