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"How I Hacked My 2+ Years Old GA-586HX To Run A AMD K6-2 350 CPU At 366MHz And A AMD K6-III CPU At 400MHz"

Home Page

What's New

May 8, 2000 - XOOM's server hosting my homepage has been down for at least 2 weeks now. Luckily I created a mirror site on GeoCities last month ..... or maybe it was because I created this mirror site! ;^)
Anyway, to I've re-routed the popular
http://surf.to/ga586hx address to point to this mirror site. Of course you can still use these URLs as well :-
April 19, 2000 - Over time, I've received a number of e-mails saying that my homepage could not be accessed. This has been due to XOOM's servers being down. To avoid these problems, I've set up a mirror site at Yahoo!'s Geocities. I don't know if Geocities will be any better than XOOM, but hopefully they won't be both down at the same time! ;^)
April 19, 2000 - Added a note about the value of the resistor (R3) next to the keyboard connector.
April 18, 2000 - E-mail address has been changed to hackedmobo@yahoo.com.
January 11, 2000 - A patch is needed when using USB with Win98SE and AMD CPUs on VIA chipset mobos. See this Microsoft page for more info and downloads :-
December 22, 1999 - Added the Alternative Ways To Enhance The Voltage Regulator page.
November 12, 1999 - Added the K6-III Core Voltage page.
October 21, 1999 - Updated the core voltage measurement diagram in the How? page to show exactly how to measure the voltage. I received quite a few emails asking for this clarification.
July 23, 1999 - Added Cat & Mouse page.
July 12, 1999 - Added Quick Links on every page for easier navigation.
June 22, 1999 - Added the Benchmarks page.
June 22, 1999 - Updated Tested : K6-III & New Test BIOS page with additional info.
June 18, 1999 - Updated Tested : K6-III & New Test BIOS page with new & successful results.
June 9, 1999 - Updated Tested : K6-III & New Test BIOS page with new results.
June 7, 1999 - Added Tested : K6-III & New Test BIOS page.
June 3, 1999 - Added some info in the How? page on why I designed the enhanced VR heatsink that way.
June 2, 1999 - Added Tested : K6-2 CXT & New Test BIOS page.
June 1, 1999 - Added Software page.
May 18, 1999 - Added Photos page, updated Notes, and changed absolute Web address.
May 12, 1999 - Created The Hacked GA-586HX Home Page.

Special Pages

Resistance is Futile
I've been asked this question 4 times, so it's become a FAQ and it's time to publish the answer here. ;^)
Q: What is the color or value of the resistor (R3) next to the keyboard connector?
A: Red-Red-Gold-Gold or 2.2
W 5% Tolerance.
Btw, I found a useful freeware utility that can convert resistor color-bands to values and vice-versa. Download it from Nick Argyros' website at

Alternative Ways To Enhance The Voltage Regulator

K6-III Core Voltage

Cat & Mouse


Tested : K6-III & New Test BIOS

Tested : K6-2 CXT & New Test BIOS


What is the GA-586HX?

The GA-586HX is a motherboard made by Gigabyte. I bought it back in 1996 with a Cyrix 6x86-P166+ CPU. Officially, this mobo can only support up to the Pentium 200 MMX. It has auto-voltage detection and provides 2 modes; single voltage with both core and I/O at 3.52V, and dual voltage with core at 2.8V and I/O at 3.3V. This effectively means that it cannot support newer CPUs like the AMD K6-2 which requires 2.2V core voltage. In addition, it only offers a clock multiplier of up to 3x. This is bad since to achieve clock speeds of 300MHz and higher, you need 4.5x and greater.

(Click to enlarge - 49.0KB)

(Click to enlarge - 76.7KB)

Here's the user manual (320KB) for those who want it. It's a PDF file, so you'll need the Adobe Acrobat Free Reader.

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Why not? ;^)

I've always wanted to upgrade my GA-586HX, but didn't know how till now. In fact, I bought a FIC VA-503+ mobo and upgraded to a K6-2 350. Thus the poor old obsolete GA-586HX was retired and has been collecting dust in my cupboard for the past year.

The other reason is due to envy ... a friend succeeded in upgraded his ASUS PI-P55T2P4 to a K6-2 350, and overclocked it to 450MHz!! I just had to find a way to do the same with my disused but not forgotten GA-586HX.

For those who have the ASUS PI-P55T2P4 or other mobos, check out my Hardware Hacking Websites page.

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Email address

Web address

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This webpage is meant to describe in some detail the work I did to modify my mobo. It is not meant be a user guide or a step-by-step how-to guide. Please use the information on this webpage at your own risk. I will not be held responsible in any way for any damages or costs resulting from its usage.

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Last revised: October 29, 2000.
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