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Anakin Skywalker

Finally after months of speculation and insider information, the casting of one of the most sought after roles in film history has finally been cast.  But who is the lucky beggar that is now going to be the face of millions of toys, loved by the Star wars faithful and ever present within the walks of History? 

The answer is Hayden Christenson, a name that doesn't ring any bells, no face to match the name, so who is this soon to be Megastar.

Hayden Christenson was born in Vancouver.  He has an older brother of 27, two sisters ages 25 and 15 and lives with his parents in Toronto who work in the communications business.  By the time he was 12 Hayden had a role in 'Family Passions', one of the first Canadian Televison Soap Operas

Haydens acting carear begun under strange circumstances.  While escorting his sister to star in a Pringles Advert, he was approached by agents who asked him if he wished to also star in commercials.

Hayden has only recently starred in 'Virgin Suicides' directed by Sofia Coppola.  "I love acting because it's a bit of an escape," he said. "It gives you the ability to reinvent yourself. They say that acting is the shy man's revenge."

In his spare time, Hayden plays jazz and blues on the piano even though he doesn't read music, and tries to find time for a social life with his friends.

Pictures of the Test Shoot.


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