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Visitors Since 09/03/00

  Hello to everyone I know!  Hello Lucy Henderson, Tracey, Dan, Georgina, Parksie, Bear, Dawn,Twyke, Ste Owen, Philip Wood-Woolley,  Andrew M, Helen, Steph, Louise and the rest of my Media Group.  I'd also like to say hello to Anya, Rid, Slinky, Godfather, A, Willow and Milamber, Pippy H, Slasher, KK, Rachael, Zek, Knife Happy, Nonnyfer And all the rest, sorry if I've missed you off.

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World Exclusive!!!  Yoda Sings for HaM's Film and Music World!!!!! Goto the Star Wars Section.

 Added a New Search Function! and Why not Join our Mailing List!!  Also check out some Upcoming Movies which I feel are going to be big.

It's been an interesting few weeks in the development of the film Industry and One of the most talked about films role in history has finally been landed.  Anakin Skywalker is to be played be Hayden Christenson, so get on over to the Star Wars section or click this link.

I've only recently updated the site so if you have sent the answers to any of the quizzes, then you should now be on the Quiz table section.

I'm also looking for people who would like to write regular features for the Site.  I would be interested in people who are fans of Film or Music and have written a review.  The reviews must be of decent size and quality, So who knows you may have your own section on HaM's Film and Music World.

If you are interested then send me an E-mail to [email protected] and tell me what u would like to do!  Hope to hear from You!

And Finally...... If you haven't already had a look at the Finsbury Strips website then go there Now!.  It's a new Web site that I have helped design using Work produced by Daniel Edon and Andrew Parks.  The site is a collection of Crazy ideas which are highly amusing.

We Need Your Feedback!  Simply Fill In this simple form asking U Film related Questions so that we can build a list of Fave Films, Worst Films and other things such as Fave and Worst Actors.  If U would like to fill in this simple form then goto THIS form.

If you would like to E-mail HaM Film World then send your E-mails to

[email protected]

Last Updated: Sunday July 02, 2000


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