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Double Entendres
Anakin Skywalker
Did u Know?
Star Wars Quiz
S Wars - Who R They?
U In Star Wars
See Yoda Sing!!!

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Prepare to be Blown Away! Go Here Now!

Star Wars Quiz!! - Can U compete with the Force?

Mistakes Within The Movies

In the World of Movie History 'Star Wars' is up there with some of the greatest films ever, challenging to be the worlds finest example of pure enjoyment, lastability and being a film for all generations.

However not everything in the Star Wars Universe is as finely polished and it is these points that I am going to show you.

In each of the first three films, there are many Mistakes, but these mistakes do not hinder the enjoyment of the films but infact offer us as an audience a different view point on the films, as we can now watch, enjoy and find these mistakes (Some funny, Some Not) and laugh away at other peoples misfortunes.

If you would like to see a list of Mistakes from the films then Click on the link to the Left.

Double Entendres

Star Wars… Rude? Never I hear you cry but for those people who were brought up on British classics such as the Carry On’s then the Star Wars universe is extremely different. 

On the Double Entendres Page I List a few of those Beavis and Butthead Lines that only the Finbarr Saunders of The world will Enjoy!!!!

Star Wars Quiz - Goto the Misc Quiz Section

Anakin Skywalker

Who is the Luckiest Actor alive??  Find out now

Did U Know?

There are many weird storylines to this amazing epic of a story and there are endless amounts of fan work and actual Star Wars literature, and it is here where I have brought together some very important parts of the Star Wars universe which I didn't know existed.

You In Star Wars

Ever wondered what u would look like if u belonged to the Star Wars Universe or how you would look if u featured in one of the films? 

That wonder is now reality, simply made possible using a fantastic new tool which takes your personal details and configures you as a Star Wars character.

Could you be the next Han Solo or Princess Leia?? Why not Find out.

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