!!!'>]> September Eleventh to Dec 31
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Since September Eleventh

Odds & Ends

`Israelis and Europeans are used to seeing machine-gun-toting soldiers guarding their government buildings and airports and stopping them at checkpoints. Soon, Americans may become accustomed to the sight also. ¶ That prospect has some civil libertarians worried. After the post-Civil War Reconstruction period, when federal troops ran the South under martial law, Congress barred the use of military forces for law enforcement. [Posse Comitatus Act?] Since then, We've been squeamish as a nation about having the military play a strong domestic-security role,' says Gordon Adams, a defense expert at George Washington University in Washington. ¶ After Tuesday, there's been a real rethinking of the role of the military, Adams says.' UST Now, with this in mind, read US Military Civil-Defense Planning. Passage of the `Patriot' Act `and all legislation thereunto [has] effectively militarized law enforcement in the US. Thus the ensuing and inevitable economic downturn and its consequences (an increase in civil strife and political tension that will result from this legislation) can be more easily handled by law enforcement.' AMR

Why are the British officially so gung-ho in all this? My gueses, A) like the Russians, they want to poultice some of the humiliation of their own Afghan failures, and/or B) they want to redress the perception they `never even said thank-you for' lend-lease. M¹ºW Or it may just be fond memories of the Thatcher–Raygun era. I think there's something comical in the US's hype about weapons of mass destruction. For one, they're the only nation thus far to have applied nuclear weapons to warfare. They just don't want anyone else playing with `their' toys—I put quote `their' because, let's face it, Yankee know-how is a crock of crap. The A-bomb was invented and largely built by refugee European Jews. (To be fair, it was a Yankee (Far Rockaway) Jew that prevented the Americans blowing up their refinery by stacking the carbouys of uranium-oxide solution too densely.) Despite Goddard's experiments, it took the Nazis to make a practical tool of liquid-fuel rockets, and ex-Nazis like Von Braun to win the space race for the US. (The Russians, remember, were way ahead before the Americans even knew there was a race. Anyway, as far as Nazis go, the US is clearly not above putting unemployed terrorists back to work if it'll get them nifty toys like rocket-powered long-range missiles.) What's Yankee know-how given us? The Philips-head screw. Washington seems, consistently, to underesitmate the other guy. They figured the USSR would never work out the fission bomb; `never' lasted about four years. Granted, they had a little help from spies; but `never' was only five years for the fusion bomb and there's no known espionage behind that. Then there was the new US embassy in Moscow. And the Serbs with the decoy microwave ovens. And of course they were `the only ones' who could rescue that doctor in the Antarctic. They eventually gave up and left the job to Canadian bush pilots.

The Bank of Nova Scotia had M$75 of gold in the WTC—real banks still use reliable, timeworn, scarcity-based value to pay each other. WRH And the Japanese appear to be catching on to the wisdom. LDT · LDT test

Aramco holds the Dahrain oilfields isn't that who has the pipeline?? No, drat, it's Unocal [Lucy] damn these goofy corporate names

Some think maybe the mysterious deaths of so many high-calibre medicos hints at a plan to wipe out half of humanity. [FTW] Given the recent `turning' of a global-warming pioneer to deny there's a problem, I wonder if it's just a sad attempt to eliminate the ones `they' couldn't buy? Or is it just a Big Bad Corporation covering up black research? 911

Of course! How could I forget Masonic numerology! 9.9 TFK

Whatever one thinks of his theories, Jack Van Impe's ministry keeps a useful collection of current press clippings. I just wish he'd link to the original articles. What scares me, though, is: Dubya's supposed to be a born-again Christian. If his thinking runs at all parallel to Impe, who clearly believes this-all is Biblically prescripted, foredestined, whathaveyou—in other words, if Dubya thinks he's essentially somehow anointed by God to bring on the Apocalyse—then the world is in some right deep Christing trouble, you.

CNN lost track of, uh, Switzerland? (I know, it's horrible, I need to resort to an atlas to be sure. I think that's actually Austria.)
snap of CNN rearranging Europe (Nope, Czech Republic. -$300.)

World military expenditures in 2001 were conservatively estimated at G$839…[The US accounted for 36%] ME

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