Beverley Mitchell

Last Updated: 01.16.01

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Featured Picture:

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Beverley at the Pokemon: The First Movie Premiere on 11.06.99

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Special 1 Month Note:

Hi!  We've officially been working on the Internet for one month!  This is a big milestone!  We are proud to say that we have had a total of 1,542 visitors as of this moment, and most all of those visitors (1,035 people) have been in November!  We have had a very great start, and are grateful for everyone who came here and supported and helped with our site!  We'd like to especially thank MelroseMike for his wonderful pictures, info., being a great friend and a lot more!  We'd also like to thank Kelsea, Robin, Jeremy, Kaitlin, and Stephanie for the information and great ideas that you have provided for us!  Thanks again!

We'd also like to remind everyone to take advantage of all of our inter@ctive features!  We have three forums for you to use (Bev, Lucy, and Site).  However, we have only had a total of 9 posts altogether, and I believe that there are only two people posting on them (I'll give you a hint-Ali is one of them :) ).  That means that for every 171.33 people that visit, we only have one post!  Because we don't have a guestbook at the moment, we thought that the number of posts would have been much higher!  If you have any ideas or info. or anything, please don't be afraid to check out the forums and add your opinions and comments!  Also, we have a chatroom, and though we don't have a scheduled chat time, we'd love for you to use it!  

Also on our list of inter@ctive features, we have a quiz, lots of awards, polls, voting, links, receiving site updates, and our Fan Club.  We have only had one person enter for the site awards, and only about 25 people for the #1 Fan Award.  We'd love for you to enter and show everyone that you love Bev!  With the odds right now, you have a great chance to win cool Bev-related prizes!

Overall, we are pleased with the progress of our site and are so glad that you came to visit!  We are thinking of changing either the format or colors, or both around the three month mark to keep our site interesting and fun to visit!  So, please send your ideas in!  You have another two months or so, but we'd like to get some ideas together now!


Thanks everyone!

Ali & Jo


What did you think of the 7th Heaven episode, "Surprise"?


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