Beverley Mitchell

Last Updated: 01.16.01

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Beverley at the Pokemon: The First Movie Premiere on 11.06.99

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Biography coming soon!



Born: January 22, 1981

Born in: Arcadia, California

School: Loyola Marymount University (LMU)

Height: 5'2"

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Brown/Blond

Mother: Sharon

Father: David

Favorite Music:  Sublime, 'N SYNC, Dixie Chicks, Blink  182

Car: Chevy Tahoe

Hobbies: Being with her friends, singings, shopping, snowboarding

Favorite Food: Lobster, Clam Chowder

Favorite Actor/Actress: Ron Howard/Jodie Foster

Collects: Dreamisicles, Angels


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