The magnificent Ukyo Ukyo Kunonji

Personality: friendly but viciously jealous
Psychology: suspiciously normal

Ukyo is a is an okonomiyaki (Japanese pizza/pancake, it means "as you want it") chef and Ranma's oldest friend. When they were young, Uyko and Ranma played a game in which they fought every day with the prize a free okonomiyaki. Ranma, having no idea Ukyo was girl, won every day. Genma and Ukyo's father, a okonomiyaki vendor, agreed that the two children would be engaged (despite the fact of the promise Genma made to Soun). Result - finance number two. Ukyo's father gave Genma his okonomiyaki cart as a dowery. Genma, taking Ranma with him, promptly ran off with the cart, leaving Ukyo behind. Seeing this as a totally humiliating rejection, Ukyo gave up femininity and pretended to be a boy from then on. She began dressing in boy's clothing and practicing the art of okonomiyaki by the raging sea, developing as a skilled practioner of okonomyaki martial arts, welding a giant okonomiyaki spatula as her preferred weapon and a bandoleer of sharp spatulas as throwing weapons.

Genma runs off with Ukyo's doweryTen years later she finally tracts the two down in Japan at Furikan High School. She beats up Genma who is to ashamed to defend himself and challenges Ranma-kun to a duel. It seems that just after the engagement had been arrainged, Genma asked Ranma who he liked best, Ukyo or okonomiyaki. Ranma answered okonomiyaki and Genma felt justified in leaving her behind. Therefore, Ranma is to blame for her rejection. She is further infuriated by the fact that Ranma is now engaged to Akane. Ukyo and Ranma fight on giant okonomiyaki griddle where Ranma finally discovers Ukyo is a girl and disarms her by calling her cute. The result is her forgiveness and upon hearing Ranma and Akane bicker decides that there is still a chance for the both of them. She opens a okonomiyaki shop named Ucchan's (Ranma's nickname for her) and stays in town.


Mistress of the okonomiyaki sauce Engaged - so she believes Akane, P-chan, Ranma and Ukyo
Ryoga upsets Ukyo The menance of Tsubasa Kuremai (not a girl)
Stand and receive wink Bleh!!! With Shampoo
Ukyo and Ranma

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