

Scenario: Last Stand

Army Point Allocation:

  • Dwarves:    2000 pts
  • Vampire:    1500 pts
  • Lizardmen: 1500 pts
  • Orcs:         1500 pts

Special Rules

  1. dwarves deploy first all regiments at the same time around the center hill.
  2. only dwarves are allowed to carry war machines
  3. dwarves get first turn
  4. surrounding terrain around hill counts as defended obstacles
  5. all other armies may have one lord choice but the total characters is still within the limits of max characters (ex. 3 characters for armies less than 2000 etc.)
  6. deployment of other armies at corners of tables (roll dice, player with highest deploys first on the corner of one table edge. The other two deploys on the opposite corners)
  7. no charges are permitted on the first turn
  8. only the player whose regiments are affected can dispel a spell cast at them by enemy magicians
  9. for other spells, only 1 attempt to dispel a spell, players who want to dispel bid by mentioning number of dispel dice he wants to use, highest bidder gets to dispel

Turn Length:

  • at the end of turn 4, roll a d6, on a 1-2, turn ends
  • at the end of turn 5, roll a d6, on a 1-3, turn ends and so forth

Victory Conditions

At end of the last turn, the army with the most UNIT STRENGTH inside the perimeter around the center hill wins.



Here you see the deployment of the four armies at left






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Last Update: April 28, 2002
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