
Turn Highlights:


Turn 1:

Dwarves started the turn by focusing their cannons on the most mobile troops: the goblin chariots. In the first shooting phase, 2 goblin chariots are destroyed as both were hit with well placed cannon shots. Handgunners kill more orcs and goblins. All this focus on the orcs must be due to their ancient hatred. Other turns of other players uneventful as they moved towards the center hill

Turn 2:

Dwarves continue to slaugther more goblins as a single cannon ball decimates 2 wolf rider regiments with well placed flank entry shots. The undead skeletons start to loose some of their number as the handgunners now focus on the approaching undead. On the flank facing the lizardmen, bolt throwers had hit the approaching Kroxigors but due to low rolls in wounding caused minimal damage. With 6 runes of spell breaking, no major spells take effect.

Lizardmen skinks move into position to fire their poison arrows at the defended obstacles. The two Kroxigor units continue to close the gap to the center. On the Orc / Undead side the Orc controlled Giant charges the Black Coach so as to protect the orc right flank. With most of the fast elements destroyed by Dwarf fire, the slow Orc center moves forward. 3 fanatics are release towards a careless runesmith who didn’t hide behind cover. SPLAT! The dwarves lose one dispel dice as the runesmith is turned into pulp.

The Vampire count goes towards the giant to support the Black Coach, leaving his army to shuffle forward slowly

Turn 3:

Dwarves start to feel the pressure as the Kroxigors and a regiment of Orc have charged the defenders behind the obstacles. Due to the dwarves behind a defended obstacle most of the dwarves survive.

The first Kroxigors reach the dwarf crossbowmen hiding behind the obstacles but fails to dislodge them. The lizardman army gambles and makes the skinks charge the dwarf defended position!

Orc numbers fail to break the dwarf defenders on the right flank due to high leadership. The gobbos, now exposed without the fanatics, approach one of the gaps in the center but are wary due to the presence of the troll slayers. The other orc regiment bogs down due to animosity. The giant finishes of the black coach.

Due to the slow movement of the skeletons, it appeared that they would never reach the battle but the vampire lord has other things in mind. With contemptious ease the lord summons a regiment of zombies appear near the center hill, behind the dwarf defenders.

Turn 4:

With a savage roar, the dwarf lord charges the new zombie unit inside the perimeter all by himself. The Troll slayers charge their hated goblin enemy. Things look grim for the crossbowmen as another Kroxigor regiment gets to charge their defended position. The orcs by this time, defeat the right flank and now, with attacks coming from two flanks and a zombie unit behind the dwarves position, the dwarf defense starts to crumble.

With most of the skinks decimated by their gambled charge, the remaining 30 skinks focuses on the bolt throwers. Though the crew was peppered with poisoned arrows they remain unscathed. The Kroxigors finally defeat the last dwarf crossbow defender and breach the obstacle.

The Troll slayers defeats the goblin regiment but with the 2nd orc regiment coming in, are few in number. The Troll slayers pursuing the goblins opens another gap in their defended position.

Thinking the situation hopeless the dwarf Lord is forced to run away from the zombies but they outrun him. The fate of the dwarves are sealed.


At this point, due to time constraints (store closes at10pm!) the game had to end. With the Dwarves quickly losing number, it became apparent that the winner is Peter with a strong regiment of zombies inside the area. With his turn coming, additional spells to raise more dead are on the way. Even though the Kroxis and Orcs also have breached perimeter, their numbers were few and fixed compared to the undead who can raise, and raise, and raise….The event drew to a close and fun had by all!

His hands and feet were bruised from climbing the mountain cliffs but the runesmith paid no mind. Though several weeks had passed since the battle he Still remembered it with clarity. "Why was I the one who had to send word to Karak A Karak? Why must I be denied to join my comrades at Grugni’s side?"

He had so very wanted do die there fighting with his comrades but he had to obey the words Of his lord “Take this piece of ore that we have and bring it to Karak a Karak Tell them that the price for it had been paid in blood.”

He at first refused to leave them behind but his lord had made him swear an Oath. Now all that was left of the dwarfen expedition to reclaim the stone was him

The runesmith began to sob, the loss of his lord had hit him hard. On th e Lonely trek back to Karak a Karak, he grabbed his knife and began to cut away his beard…tears streaming down his cheeks as he did so.

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