This site contains fan-created artwork based on the characters and concepts  within J K Rowling's Harry Potter series. Harry Potter is copyright to J K Rowling. No profit is being made from the characters' use. All artwork and Original characters found on this site are copyright of Melissa 'Mel' Miller 2002. Photos affiliated with the Harry Potter movies are copyright of Warner Brothers.
ll artwork and original characters seen here are copyrightof Mel Miller. All
Harry Potter cannon characters are, of course, copyright of J K Rowling. I draw 'em because I luff 'em. Click the thumbnails for the full image.
"Idiot Children," copyright Mel Miller 2002
"Idiot children," Snape sighs, rolling his eyes in frustration as Slytherin 7th year Morgandria Whylde threaten's Draco Malfoy's personal well being. (Again.) "Call ME a mudblood, will you...." *snicker.* Poor Draco. He looks quite near wetting himself, doesn't he? I'm most pleased with the coloration on this pic - its sort of a first step into actually *improving* on my colors. Took me long enough. Yeesh.
Finished Work
"Pet Peeves," copyright of Mel Miller 2002
Hogwarts Potions Master Severus Snape smiles slyly at his two pet projects of the Slytherin house - Morgan and Draco. Well, ok. Actually, they're more of his biggest pains in the ass, particularlly when stuck together in the same room. Which happens often. Eek. Sev must just be relieved here because the two aren't trying to get at each other's throats. Trying not to lose any more house points, are we? Probably.
"Slash Ahoy," is copyright of Mel Miller 2002
In my own pathetic little world, I see Harry and Draco as being straight. Thats just me. Harry digs Cho. Draco digs.... well, anything with breasts. Preferabley big ones. (typical male. oi.) So, lets say, some how, my interpretation of Potter and Malfoy discover the vast fandom of online slash fiction.... Bum-bum-BUUUUM. This is meant to be humorous, btw, not offensive, so don't get your panties in a knot.  GIGGLE.
"Big, Heavy Stick," is copyright of Mel Miller 2002
Gah. if I haven't said it yet, let me stress this point: Jason Isaacs is THE MAN. His interpretation of Lucius Malfoy in The Chamber of Secrets was totally spot on and.... illegally sexy. *cough* I DID just say that out loud, didn't I? Merf. Anyway, Isaacs' interviews are probably the most entertaining reads I can think of off hand. Wicked sense of humor on that boy. This quote in particular I just HAD to illustrate. Oh yes.
"The Ties that Bind" artwork, Dravin and Morgandria Whylde are copyright Melissa 'Mel' Miller 2002. Lucius and Snape are J K Rowling's.
Life's not easy, being a Mudblood in the Slytherin House, or in the Wizarding world as a whole, really - especially when your own father, former family friend and current potions master are all Death Eaters and Death Eaters are out to scalp them some mudblood ass. *Sigh* Sucks to be you, eh, Morgan? I love this image - Lucius looks positively shaggable. I'll be coloring this soon, so keep an eye out for that.
"The Pep Talk," is copyright of Melissa 'Mel' Miller 2002. Lucius Malfoy is copyright of J K Rowling.
Ladies, prepare your drool bucket. You're going to need it. ;) Its Lucius and, of course  -  The Stick. This pic came about when I got this bizarre idea of Lucius giving his favorite beatin' stick a... Pep talk? Plus it was a really good excuse to draw Malfoy Senior shirtless (Couldn't pass that up. lol) and get in a shot of his Death Eater tatoo. Note to self:  Must draw shirtless Lucius more often. Its ridiculously fun. Oh yes.
"Not again..." is copyright of Melissa 'Mel' Miller 2002. Lu Malfoy, is, of course. J K Rowling's.
You just never actually *see* Draco Malfoy catching the snitch. Ever. I mean, you know its gotta happen SOME TIME during the season.... but it seems catching, not letting the poor boy on to some credit. He's got to have some talent, after all. Flint's as much a power hungry git as the best of them, but he's not going to let a kid with the talent of a Longbottom on the team - new brooms or no. In short: GO DRACO!
"Slytherin Wins.... of course." Image copyright of Melissa "Mel" Miller 2002. Draco Malfoy is copyright of J K Rowling.
Just a quick doodle of Draco Malfoy, for the sheer sake of sketching out that wonderful, smackabley smarmy facial expression that he has mastered. You're such a shit, Draco. lol. I'm still in awe with just how well Tom Felton pulls this character off in both movies. He helps Draco come off as so incredibley bitter.  I'm particularly looking forward to the movie on book four. Draco the Amazing Bouncing Ferret! HOI!
Yeah, ok, so this took me all of two minutes to sketch out and looks like a veritable pile of bollocks, but its funny, and spotlights Lucius, so... Nah. I adore this sketch - its my first shot at Lucius Malfoy *ever* and was drawn on the way home from the theatre from first seeing COS. LOL. Needless to say, I was completely elated with Lucius. He was far more wicked cool then I'd expected. And I repeat - Isaacs is The MAN.
Ah, yes. Slytherins tourturing Gryffindors. Does life get any better? This pic took SO LONG to colour, let me tell you. It was a hellacious task ... but I'm quite fond of the results. The characters you won't recognize at the Slytherin table are my own fanfic chars. To the left of Draco is Kennedy Bradshaw, a third year. Behind them (L-R): Corbin Flint, Fabian Malfoy (Draco's cousin) and Morgandria Whylde.
"Just Deserts" Image and original Slytherin fanfic characters copyright of Melissa 'Mel' Miller 2003. Draco, Harry and Hermione are J K Rowling's.
"Draco Sketch" image is copyright of Melissa 'Mel' Miller 2002. Draco Malfoy is J K Rowling's.
No doubt my most ambitious Slytherin fanart to date. It includes all of JK Rowling's main cannon Slytherins (Or my interpritation of them, at any rate) as well as all of my fanfic\RPG Slytherin characters (Myself included. The chick in the pants to the right.)  Curious as to who is who, exactly? Email Me, and I'll point the lot of them out for you. I'm too bloody tired to do so here, at the moment. Cheers.
"Elite," Images and Original fanfic characters are copyright 2003 of Melissa 'Mel' Miller. All Harry Potter cannon characters are copyright of JK Rowling.
Rarely do I ever have colorists take any interest in my work. However, just recently, I had the pleasure of meetin an extremely talented young individual  named Andrew B. Chason, who was kind enough to offer to color some of my artwork. Whoo-hoo! He's taken on "Death by Association" so far. His colors truly gave this image life. *Hugs Andrew* You the man ;) To see more of Andrew's work, go here.
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