just thought I'd put up a spit-and-run-through-it mini gallery of Slytherin
movieverse characters. This is as big as the pics get, too, because I'm a cheap, selfish bastard and want to save hosting space for my artwork. Damn you Mel. And your little pencils too... Anyway, only, like, two of these images were scanned by me. The rest were, like those who came before them, shamlessly swiped off the net. So if you see something here that you don't want up, let me know, (nicely) and off it goes. Hold your mouse cursor over the image for a discription.
This site contains fan-created artwork based on the characters and concepts  within J K Rowling's Harry Potter series. Harry Potter is copyright to J K Rowling. No profit is being made from the characters' use. All artwork and Original characters found on this site are copyright of Melissa 'Mel' Miller 2002. Photos affiliated with the Harry Potter movies are copyright of Warner Brothers.
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Look familiar? I loved this pic so much, I just had to use the Common Room elements for this site. Sweeeet.
Ah, Draco. I love him... and yet I'd pay good money to slap the shit out of him. Go fig, eh?
Mmmmm.... Lucius. Although, is it just me, or does he look a tad high here? Must be that premium Mage Marajuana. Yeah, thats it. *cough*
A mini-pic of the uber cool Slytherin Common Room from COS. The Gryffindors hole in the wall has't got a thing on this place. Boom, baby.
Are those Gryffindor colors sneeking in there? Gah! Get 'em off! Those Nimbus 2001's are wicked looking. Plus they're black. That's always a plus.
Good God. Alan, baby, you're looking pastey here. Eek. I mean, yeah, Snape's "sallow".... but this is about border-line corpse. *Attacks Sev with a compact and blush.* You'll thank me later. And could someone explain to me why there's a brightly lit window in the FRICKING DUNGEON?
*Mel kicks her back leg* Infatuation? Whatever do you mean? *Hides her "Lucius is #1!" foam finger behind her back*
More to Come.
Scroll down, babes.
Onward with your bad self!
"Oh, now, chin up. We can't all be wealthy, gorgeous bastards like myself, now, can we? Pity."
There IS something about blondes in black leather, isn't there? Oh yes.
Thought this was rather interesting. Its one of the "losing" game pieces Coca Cola put out for their recent COS contest.... putting a face to the name of Adrian Pucey. Groovy. I've got a Nimbus 2001 piece with Draco on it floating somewhere about my studio. I'll post it when I manage to find it. I'm still rather bitter though - the last "losing" game piece I got ended up being Potter. Guh. If I'm going to have to suck, at least let me do it with a Slytherin, ay? Wait... that entirely didn't sound right, did it? Jeebus.
It pains me to watch the Slytherin house flags morph into the putrid Gryffindor attire at the end of HPSS. Nothing like getting screwed out of a proper win by Harry and Co's dumb luck. *grumbles*.
One of my favorite Slytherin-related images. Go Slytherin!
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