just thought I'd put up a spit-and-run-through-it mini gallery of Slytherin
movieverse characters. This is as big as the pics get, too, because I'm a cheap, selfish bastard and want to save hosting space for my artwork. Damn you Mel. And your little pencils too... Anyway, only, like, two of these images were scanned by me. The rest were, like those who came before them, shamlessly swiped off the net. So if you see something here that you don't want up, let me know, (nicely) and off it goes. Hold your mouse cursor over the image for a discription.
This site contains fan-created artwork based on the characters and concepts  within J K Rowling's Harry Potter series. Harry Potter is copyright to J K Rowling. No profit is being made from the characters' use. All artwork and Original characters found on this site are copyright of Melissa 'Mel' Miller 2002. Photos affiliated with the Harry Potter movies are copyright of Warner Brothers.
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Take me back to the good stuff, already!
Scroll down, babes.
Onward with your bad self!
Mad Magazine
A HUGE thanks to Angela Vale for scanning these up and sending them my way. *hugs* You rock, as always, Ange!
LMFAO!!! Dig the Snape with the Voodoo Harry! Stick that little bastid, Sevvie! (Oh dear god, did I just call him Sevvie?! Dammit. MUST stop reading gratuitous fangirl posts. Eep.)  lol. Draco looks just slapabley smarmy here, too. I love 'im ;)
well, ok, so the scripting's not terribley funny... or intelligent. All right, it sucks. But the art's damned cool, so we'll cope, mmk?
Eh.... when did Jason Isaacs inherit a Jay Leno chin? And check it out! He's got a Mooooooooooooole! lol.
Wizard Magazine
Many thanks to Candice McLendon  Sending over this great image - and by my favorite comic book artist to boot. ;)
DUUUUUUDE. Its Harry Potter fan art by my favorite comic book artist Humberto Ramos. I think I about shit a brick when I first saw it too. Snape looks absolutely wicked.
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