Diversity and National Identity

As the United States came to be so did the diversity of cultures. Ameircans wanted to come toghether to be one culture. They did become on as people but decided to keep their traditional ways and share them with the rest of the Ameircans. Sometimes the cultures would have tensions but it was also beneficial because one culture could learn from the other.

The Statue of Liberty

The Statues dedication took place during the most extensive wave of immigration the United States has ever known. Many native-born Ameircans felt theat the newcomers should fully immerse themselves in their new culture. However, most immigrant combined Ameircan language and customs with their traditional ways. As immigrants celebrated independence Day and Thanksgiving, they introduced into Ameircan culture new celebrations, such as Chinese new year and Cinco de Mayo.

The Decloration of Independence

The signers of the decloration of independence were descedants of immigrants. The founders ancestors had to come to North Ameirca in search of economic oppotunity and freedom of religous expression. When the second continental congress declared a United States in 1776, they acknowledged that the country would contain diverse regions and interests.

Diversity Today

Ameircans today are very diverse. In 1998, three countries Mexico, China, and India) contributed a third of the total number of immigrants to the United States and the rest came from diverse countries. The cultures now see themselves as Ameiricans and that it is the Ameircan culture to share their past cultures. Also there is hardly any racial tensions.







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