Urban Problems

As the urban population skyrocketed, city governments faced problems of how to provide residents with needed services and safe living conditions. The conditions were ugly and it was holding back the opportunities in advancement for the United States.


Housing in the industrail was very crucial because it determined what you wanted to do. They could eigther buy a house on the out skirts of town where they wouid face transportation problems, or rent cramped rooms in a boarding house in the central city. As the urban population increased, however, new types of housing were designed like row houses-single family dwellings that shared side walls with other similar houses- packed many singles family residence onto a single block. Other housing called tenements-multifamily urban dwellings were overcrowded and unsanitary.


People had cars in the industrial age but not many people could afford them at the time. So innovations in mass transit were made like street cars introduced in san Fransico, and eletric subways in Boston in 1897. This helped workers get to and from their jobs more easily. By the early 20th century, mass transit networks in many urban areas linked neighborhoods to one another and to outlying communities.




The New Immigrants | Challenges of Urbinization | Politics | Diversity | Urban Problems






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